


始作俑者  shǐ zuò yǒng zhě


俑:古代殉葬用的木制或陶制的俑人。开始 ... 俑的人。比喻首先做某件坏事的人。






  • 宽松的货币政策同样也是始作俑者。 Lax monetary policy also played a starring role.

  • 近几年楼价急升,地产仲介被视为始作俑者。 Many attribute property price hikes in recent years to property agents.

  • 于是救助资金流向了危机的始作俑者,而不是流向受害者。 Money was flowing to those who had caused the problem, rather than to the victims.

  • 女孩的母亲也被开除了教籍,但兽行的始作俑者却未遭绝罚。 The girl’s mother was also expelled from the church; the rapist was not.

  • 还有,我是悲剧的始作俑者,千不对,万不对,都是我不对。 What’s more, I was the trouble maker. I must be responsible for her death no matter what happened.

  • 在1997年开始的亚洲金融危机中,索罗斯也是始作俑者。 In 1997, the beginning of the Asian financial crisis, Soros is also the initiator.

  • 蒙特利尔警方表示针对昨天晚上暴动,他们正努力寻找始作俑者。 Police in Montreal say they were trying to make an arrest when last night’s rioting broke out.

  • 尽管是弗贾西奇最初外号的始作俑者,杰克逊说他长期以来一直支持弗贾西奇。 Despite the original nickname he affixed to Vujacic, Jackson said he had been a “promoter of Sasha for a long time. “”

  • 始作俑者可能没这样想,但是……我们的手被束缚了——如果这个程序还在继续的话。 The founding fathers may have never thought of this, but…our hands are tied — if the book on the procedure is followed.

  • 那些始作俑者不害怕全能的 ... 也不会留意他们的所作所为将带给他们的痛苦的惩罚。 Those who have caused this do not fear Allah Almighty, nor do they give heed to the punishment that will afflict them in the Hereafter due to that.

  • 他们的结论是,中国不再是使得发达国家通货紧缩的出口商,而是通货膨胀的始作俑者。 As a result, it is claimed, China is no longer exporting deflation to the rich world, but inflation.

  • 与此同时,悲观主义者认为这次衰退的始作俑者更青睐于一次虚弱的复苏或是双重探底。 Pessimists, meanwhile, think this downturn’s origins favour a weak recovery or a double-dip.

  • 厄利说:「这俨然已成流行病,我们从来没有像现在这么忙过,始作俑者就是大包包。」 “It’s an epidemic, ” Ms. Ehrlich said. “We’re busier than ever before right now and big bags are the reason.

  • 有时人们把过失归咎于商业,而实际上商业体系并不是圣诞节的美好与圈套的始作俑者。 The wrong doings sometimes blamed on business, of cluttering Christmas with goodies and hoopla are not invented by business.

  • 但这项研究表明一种普遍存在的病毒是高血压的始作俑者,即细胞巨化病毒,也称CMV。 But this study suggests that a mon virus, cytomegalovirus or CMV, could be behind it.

  • 这次运动的始作俑者意图很明显,无论结果怎样,俄罗斯必会因其破坏了当前局势而受到谴责。 The planners of this campaign clearly wanted to make sure that, whatever the oute, Russia would be blamed for worsening the situation.

  • 许多人都不赞成史慕德—哈利法案,它曾是“经济大萧条”时期各国竞相提高关税的始作俑者。 Plenty of people argued against the Smoot-Hawley bill, which raised tariffs at the onset of the Depression.

  • 辽宁队的王亮是始作俑者,亚泰的唐京是受益者,不过令人诧异的是中国足协对此的默认态度。 Team Liaoning’s Wang Liang is the setter, Asian peaceful Tang Jing is a beneficiary, but makes the person surprise is the Chinese Soccer association default manner regarding this.

  • 当被问及这股反对他们社区风潮的始作俑者时,两名印度人压低了声音,其中一个说“黎巴嫩人。 Asked about the wave of violence against their munity, two Indians lower their voices. “Lebanese, ” says one.

  • 李欧梵教授是上海―――香港双城记的始作俑者之一,他既对海上文化情有独钟,又在香港教过书。 Lioufan Professor Shanghai — one of the initiator of the cities, he has a special liking both maritime culture, and taught in the book.

  • 那些擅于妙手空空的贵族和贪婪政客们正是危机的始作俑者。很多人怀疑他们本该为此负责但终究会逃开。 There is also a well-founded suspicion that light-fingered bureaucrats and greedy politicians, the very people who caused the crisis, should be held to account but won’t be.

  • 该研究报告负责人之一弗朗西斯科·卡纳尔斯指出,目前已经有一些 ... 可以确定这些谣言的来源和始作俑者。 The study is responsible for one of Francis Koka Na Ersi pointed out that at present there are some methods to determine the source of these rumors and initiator.

  • 众所周知,HPV与扁桃体癌症有关。但是,感染HPV是否是近来扁桃体癌增多的始作俑者,这一点还不清楚。 HPV is known to be associated with tonsillar cancers. Whether an increase in HPV-positive cases drove the recent increase in incidence, however, was unclear.

  • 这种作品中体现出的思想倾向最终贯穿了杜尚的艺术创作及人生,从而也使杜尚成为西方后现代艺术的始作俑者。 The thought trend in the work ran through his art creation and life, thus made Duchamp be the forerunner of western post modem art.

  • 拥有和平背景的创价学会——该党背后这个拥有800万成员的佛教组织,是要求久间先生辞职的始作俑者之一。 Soka Gakkai, the 8m-household-strong Buddhist organisation behind the party, with a pacifist streak, was one of the first to call for Mr Kyuma’s resignation.

  • 威尔士长弓兵是长弓始作俑者,由于没有任何盔甲防护,他们必须竭力避免近战。长弓兵可于阵前设置拒马尖桩,令敌军骑兵望而生畏。 The first wielders of the longbow. Being totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes.

  • 位于库里蒂巴市的奥斯卡·尼迈耶博物馆是由巴西首都巴西利亚的始作俑者,建筑大师奥斯卡·尼迈耶设计的。它对你的审美观会是一次考验。 Designed by Oscar Niemeyer, the celebrated architect behind the creation of the Brazilian capital, Brasília, the Museu Oscar Niemeyer in Curitiba will test your view of aesthetics.

  • 正如我们不能试图依靠一起犯罪事件的元凶来帮助侦破这起案件一样,我们同样不能指望这场全球经济衰退的始作俑者帮助我们走出这场灾难。 As we can not rely on trying the culprits of crimes together to help the detection of this case, we can not count on the initiator downturn in the global economy to help us out of this disaster.

  • 新式概念的提出,作为始作俑者多多少少对它的市场前景应该有所了解,否则不会轻易来开发这样的一种产品,而昔日楼市上不同概念的推出都带来了什么呢? New concept, as the initiator of the market prospects should be more aware of it, this will not be easy to develop a product and its market, has brought a different concept?

  • 也就是说,如要突然发生大灭绝事件,很可能需要巨大火山作用与大型撞击事件同时出现才行。她说:「但是到目前为止,还没有人发现始作俑者的陨石坑,」这样说便是将奇虚乐排除在外。 Sudden mass extinctions might require the coincidence of major volcani ... and a large impact event, “but so far no one has found the source crater, ” Keller says in her di ... issal of Chicxulub.

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