


时间:2019/12/13 09:45 | 分类:词语大全


We satisfy our customers in various ways at their convenience
根據客戶實際需要,提供不同貿易方式。 <> Sozo have a high - efficiency team and management posed of fudan mbas and cpas
公司采取看樣訂貨來樣加工和來圖加工等貿易方式。 <> As a new form of trade , e - merce rose and developed since 1990 ' s
電子商務是一種新型的貿易方式,在20世紀90年代興起并獲得快速的發展。 <> Provide best trading model in terms of logistics to business unit upon request
按照生產和客戶需求確定最優華的貿易方式、物流渠道、送貨單元。 <> Inco terms guiding the trade flow will also rung as the bible to forwarding industry
指導貿易方式的貿易術語就像是一部圣經,規范著貨代行業。 <> Among other modes of trade are processing trade , consignment , leasing trade , agency etc
在其他貿易方式中還有加工貿易、寄售、租賃貿易、代理等。 <> We are trying to get rid of the over - rigid pratices and adopt some general international pratices
我們設法消除一些死板的做法,采用國際上通用的貿易方式。 <> We are trying to get rid of the over - rigid practices and adopt some general international practices
我們設法消除一些死板的做法,采用國際上通用的貿易方式。 <> Today , based on work teology , electronic merce is an important and very promising means of trade
今天,基于網絡技術的電子商務已經成為重要且前景光明的貿易方式。 <> The arise " barter " business in practical management in recent years to be given some discuss also
對于經營實踐中近些年廣泛存在的“抹帳”貿易方式,在文中結合物流管理也進行了一定的探討。 <>
Mechani ... design theory is part of the wider economic idea of game theory and it has many uses - - including in potical science
事實上,專家指出該理論解釋了為什么一種叫做雙重競拍的會成為最好的貿易方式。 <> Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiary parts to be processed or assembled and re - exported
加工貿易是指一國從國外進口主要原材料、零部件,加工裝配后復出口的一種貿易方式。 <> Bonded warehousing . it includes bonded storage of products imported in various trading patterns and products that have pleted export declaration
保稅倉儲。可保稅存放各種貿易方式的進口商品和已申報出口商品。 <> Collaborative e - merce stands for essential change of merce pattern under the information age and orients the development of trade mode
協同電子商務是信息時代商務模式的實質性變革,是未來貿易方式的發展方向。 <> All governments have reazed the importance of the force for economical increase and are sparing no efforts to develop e - merce
電子商務代表著未來貿易方式的發展方向,其應用和推廣將給社會和經濟帶來極大的效益。 <> This new trade way which engulfs the whole world overwhelmingly brings the international logistics into the information orbit radically
正是這種以燎原之勢席卷著整個世界的新的貿易方式從根本上將國際物流納入了信息化的軌道。 <> The pany hope that both new and old cent will make a long - term cooperation and panionship with us by the best products and most flexible trade ways
公司以創一流的優良產品和靈活的貿易方式,希望新老客戶和我們建立長期合作伙伴。 <> We also deal in various trade forms such as barter trade , trade on saler ? credit , tender , processing to customer ? designs and samples , coproduction and joint venture
公司還開展易貨貿易、賣方信貸、投標、來圖來樣加工、合資經營生產等多種貿易方式。 <> E - business is an indispensable way in modern international economy and merce and it is being the main trading way in 21 century gradually
電子商務是增強企業競爭力的動力,已成為國際現代經濟和商業不可或缺的工具,并將逐漸成為21世紀的主要貿易方式。 <> With our excellent quaty goods , courteous service and flexible way of trading , gdctie is wilng and ready to cooperate with our friend from various circles in china and abroad
繼往開來,我公司愿以優質的產品與服務,靈活多樣的貿易方式,期待與海內外的客商建立更多的往來和合作。 <>
Mode of operation : 30 % paid for deposit by t / t before production arranged , the balance to be paid before shipment or payment by l / c 90 days , cif l / c 90days
運作方式:在開始投入生產前通過電匯方式預付30 % ,余款方式在裝運前付清或90天信用證付款,成本加運費加保險費貿易方式下90天信用證付款。 <> Again , you do not want to be too detailed at this stage as precise references to prices , terms , conditions and the ke will answer the recipient ' s questions and may enable them to stop reading
再提醒一次,目前你不必提供詳細資料,因為關于價格、貿易條件、貿易方式等詳細的說明會使收信人停止閱讀。 <> Factoring , as a way of settlement in international trade , has developed to a certain extend in china , however , there still exist some problems in factoring operation because of many causes
特別是中國成為世界貿易組織( wto )的成員后,傳統的一些貿易方式和結算方式正面臨著與世界接軌及來自其他諸多方面的挑戰。 <> As a new form of contract in our modern fe , inter service contract has lots of difference with traditional contract in its connotation , nature , contents , classification … etc
網絡服務合同作為一種新的貿易方式,其產生和發展有著深刻的必然性,其廣泛的運用大大提高了交易效率,但同時也給法律帶來了許多亟待解決的問題。 <> R . feno beeves that it and e - merce is the future direction of business . however , it must be bined with traditional trade venues , which will not be replaced by e - merce in the short - term
費諾先生認為網絡技術電子商務將是今后的發展方向,但必須與傳統的貿易相結合才有前途,并且在短期內,不可能取代傳統的貿易方式。 <> Ever since china adopeted the pocy of reform and opening up , processing trade has been booming in china and gradually bee its major means of foreign trade , playing an important role in promoting its economic growth
改革開放以來,加工貿易在我國不斷發展壯大,逐漸成為我國對外貿易中的主導貿易方式,對拉動經濟起到了重要作用。 <> Ever since china adopeted the pocy of reform and opening up , processing trade has been booming in china and gradually bee its major means of foreign trade , playing an important role in promoting its economic growth
最佳改革開放以來,加工貿易在我國不斷發展壯大,逐漸成為我國對外貿易中的主導貿易方式,對拉動經濟起到了重要作用。 <> With the rapid development of the information technology and the popularization of the inter , the efficient electronic merce is taking the place of the traditional merce since 1990 ’ s
自從20世紀90年代以來,隨著人類信息技術突飛猛進的發展以及互聯網應用的迅速普及,傳統的貿易方式正逐漸被快速和高效的電子商務和電子簽名所取代。 <> With the development of information science and economic globazation , a new trading methods , e - merce , has sprung up and rapidly estabshed itself as one of the major dynamic of world economy
電子商務產生的背景是世界經濟的全球化和信息化,同時,高速成長的電子商務改變了傳統的貿易方式,并將成為未來推動世界經濟增長的主要動力之一。 <> This passage points out the impendency of research on educational trade in service of consumption abroad straightly , because it is the dominating trade in educational service and has bee a big international business
摘要中國入世后,境外消費教育服務貿易日益凸現出現實迫切性,它是最主要的教育服務貿易方式,且已經成為國際上一宗大的商務。 <>
The traditional ways of trade had failed to conform to the increase in import and export , the change in trade methods and the import and export structure . there ' s an imperative need for a much more and newer way of financing
進出口額的增長、貿易方式及進出口結構的變化,使傳統的國際貿易方式已不能與之相適應,迫切需要更多、更新的融資方式為之服務。 <> Electronic merce , which develops quickly , falters and enriches people ' s traditional trade methods , and deeply changes people ' s fe style and idea , and will bee the human core of information society of 21 centuries
迅速深入發展的電子商務正在動搖和豐富著人們千百年來形成的傳統貿易方式,深刻地改變著人們的生活方式和思想觀念,并將成為21世紀人類信息社會的核心。 <> Since the great war o , international trade has achieved great development and the form of international trade has also changed greatly . the processing trade gradually bees an important trade method of joining the international munity
第二次世界大戰以后,國際貿易有了巨大的發展,國際貿易的方式也發生重大變化,加工貿易已成為當今世界各國參與國際分工的重要貿易方式。 <> At last , based on the above study , we give some suggestion , such as improving our import from the aspect of trade pattern , enhancing the import of energy resources goods , and strengthening our import of service trade
最后根據實證研究給出的啟示并結合我國進口的實際狀況,主要提出了從進口貿易方式角度提高進口對經濟的貢獻度、加強對能源類產品的進口及管理工作、適當加大服務貿易進口等政策建議。 <> What is e - business ? e - business e biz nis the transformation of key business processes through the use of inter technologies . the web is changing every aspect of our ves , but no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate
新一輪的競爭早已開始,電子商貿將是企業的一種生存方式,可以預期,已經延續了幾千年的傳統的貿易方式和經濟活動方式,都將在21世紀最初10年發生革命性的改變。 <> With the rapid development of information technology and world economic integration , new method of merce is urgently needed to satisfy the demand of economic advance . under these conditions , electronic merce ( ec ) , which is based on high - tech es into being
隨著信息技術的飛速發展,世界經濟一體化步伐的加快,人類需要新的貿易方式來順應經濟發展的潮流,于是一種以高科技手段為基礎的商務模式應運而生,這就是電子商務。 <> What is e - business ? e - business ( e biz nis ) the transformation of key business processes through the use of inter technologies . the web is changing every aspect of our ves , but no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate
新一輪的競爭早已開始,電子商貿將是企業的一種生存方式,可以預期,已經延續了幾千年的傳統的貿易方式和經濟活動方式,都將在21世紀最初10年發生革命性的改變。 <> The " agreement on the long - term trade beeen china and japan " , since its initial signing in 1978 , has so far been renewed five times and has created a special mode of trade that has played a very significant role in the maintenance of steady development of the trade beeen the o countries concerned
摘要《中日長期貿易協議》自1978年簽訂以來,至今已續簽了5次,這一特殊的貿易方式為中日貿易的穩定發展發揮了極為重要的作用。 <> The second part is to introduce the related theory including mundell ’ s substitute model and kiyoshi kojima ’ s boundary industry model . the third part is to ... yze the disadvantage of shanghai ’ s foreign trade including the big gap beeen shanghai and other developed district for foreign trade in
第三部分分析了上海對外貿易中不利于發展的方面,包括上海服務貿易與發達地區差距較大,貿易方式單一落后、效益低下,產業內貿易水平不高三個方面。 <> Second , it ... yses this effect mechani ... and restricted factors through long - term , short - term effect and over developed impact of foreign trade , with the emphasis such as trade strategy , trade pocy , trade shock , import and export goods positions along with trade means effect
其次,從長期、短期效應和對外貿易過度發展的負面影響分析了該作用機制及其制約因素,重點分析了貿易戰略、貿易政策、貿易沖擊、進出口商品結構以及貿易方式的影響。 <>
The first , the goods that imports with general trade pattern , after closing , did not matter with custom ; the 2nd , the goods that imports in order to take makings treatment or kind of supped materials treatment , sale in domestic market should fill in custom pay custom duty and value added tax ; the 3rd , the goods that imports with general trade pattern , buy with home on account wu processing makings identical ; the 4th , the goods that imports in order to receive makings treatment or supped materials treatment , fill the value added tax that pay can raise ine tax , inspect buy makings processing with home
第一、以一般貿易方式進口的貨物,通關以后和海關就沒有關系了;第二、以進料加工或來料加工方式進口的貨物,內銷要在海關補交關稅和增值稅;第三、以一般貿易方式進口的貨物,在帳務處理上和國內購買料件相同;第四、以進料加工或來料加工進口的貨物,補交的增值稅可以提進項稅,視同國內購料處理。 <> Since the reform and opening up to the outside world , the toy industry of our country is from nonexistence to existence , from initial processing trade to developing the own brand , carry on the ordinary trade , the toy industry of our country has gotten enormous development , has already bee the big toy producing country , big export country and big consuming country in the world
改革開放以來,我國玩具業規模從小到大,貿易方式從最初以“三來一補”為特征的加工貿易到開發自有品牌、進行一般貿易,已經獲得了巨大的發展,成為世界玩具生產大國、出口大國和消費大國。 <> Two recent events - the debate over nafta and a gatt dispute settlement panel remendation against the us imposition of a trade ban against mexican tuna imports to support us dolphin protection efforts - have catapulted the previously arcane trade and environmentasts paid ttle attention to trade issues
二個最近的事件,是關于nafta的辯論和gatt爭執解決研究小組提出反對一個美國的商業禁令反對墨西哥鮪魚的進口,以支援美國海豚保護的努力成果,對于以前不可思議的貿易方式,環境保護者對于商業問題開始有了關注。 <> Electronic sending of mercial information and transferable document need authenticity , certitude , integrity . secrecy and vadity , which serve as the basic of the existance and development of e - b / l , and than need to be solved firstly when we try to substitude the traditional trade ways with electronic ones
安全可以包括技術安全和法律安全,商業信息和可轉讓的單證的電子傳遞需要充分保證其真實性、確定性、保密性和合法有效性。這是電子提單制度存在和發展的前提條件之一,也是電子手段代替傳統貿易方式所首先要解決的問題。 <> The business of tianjin chinapack imp . & exp . co . , ltd involved is both import and export , speciazing in paper . pulp , plastics , metals relating to ght industries , textiles , garments , food , native products , oils and cereals , chemicals . machines , equipments and other nes , and adopts the flexible operation by general trade , processing trade , assembng trade , pensation trade with the clents with a lot of countries all over the world , and also keeps steady connections with the hundreds of domestic cents in the north of china while enjoys our fine business reputation
2004年公司與中國包裝進出口天津公司進一步業務整合,整合后全面延承中國包裝進出口天津公司40余年的經營歷史和業務渠道;經營輕工、紡織、服裝、食品、土產、糧油、化工和機電產品等各類商品的進出口和國內銷售業務;從事自營、代理、來料加工、進料加工等多種靈活貿易方式;與世界幾十個國家和地區的客商以及華北、東北、西北、西南等國內各地區數百家企業建有穩定的貿易關系,在業內享有廣泛的信譽度。 <> Oil international trade is closely nked with the world economy and the potical situation , particularly world market supply and demand and the international price situation , it is enormously influenced by various factors , such as economy , potics , the mitary and the social culture etc . recently , because the iranian nuclear issue continues intensely and the american gasone supply bees serious , the forward price of crude oil increases continuously , the price of international oil will not be optimistic in the future , which will inevitably attack our oil foreign trade . as a developing country and a large energy - consuming nation , china ’ s oil demand grows rapidly with the development of economy . but domestic oil production and supply cannot meet the oil demand brought by industriazation , urbanization and population growth , the oil import volume and the foreign degree of dependency advances yearly
本文從四個部分對我國石油對外貿易的狀況、存在的問題及應對的策略進行了論述:第一部分簡要地分析了石油的重要戰略地位;第二部分基于對世界石油資源、世界石油供需情況、國內石油資源及國內石油市場狀況的分析,詳細闡述了我國石油對外貿易的發展及現狀,包括我國石油對外貿易的發展階段、貿易結構及貿易方式,并對我國石油的主要進口來源進行了分析;文章第三部分分析了影響我國石油對外貿易的基本因素,包括供給狀況、國際油價定價機制、 wto帶給我們的機遇與挑戰、競爭與合作等;第四部分通過系統化的分析得出目前我國石油對外貿易中存在的問題,并針對這些問題,制定出包括進口多元化、建立期貨市場、加強地區合作、建立石油儲備、構建石油金融體系等策略,希望能夠對未來我國石油對外貿易提供某些方面的借鑒與指導。 <> The products of capital and technology - intensive industries have certain degree of parative advantages , however , the adoption of processing and production in overseas can bine superiorities of these o modes to better play their parative advantages by actively utizing various elements and resources in the foreign countries
在資金、技術密集型產業上擁有相對優勢,但是加工貿易方式能在積極利用國外各種要素、資源的基礎上使兩者的比較優勢發揮出來。 <> This paper introduces in the first place the current growth of electronic merce , its conception , categories and functions , with particular importance being put on the ... ysis of the differences and advantages beeen electronic merce and traditional trade . meanwhile , problems and deficiencies in the laws about electronic merce have been identified through study on the legislations of various countries and international organizations
本文首先介紹了國內電子商務的發展現狀、概念、分類和功能,重點分析了電子商務與傳統貿易方式的區別和優勢,并通過分析不同國家和國際組織在電子商務領域的立法情況,找出了我國在電子商務法律制度方面存在的問題和差距。 <> As to changsha cigarette factory , this paper ... yzes emphatically current situation and primary matters about expanding international business and researches the basic strategy and tactic of internationazation , hi the last o parts , this article introduces o different tactics of changsha cigarette factory exploring the cigarettes markets in america and south - east asia . there are trade in usa and investment in cambodia . the main concern is how to utize the source of corporation furthest , accelerate accumulating and implement expanding strategy
最后,本文分別對長沙卷煙廠開拓美國市場和以柬埔寨為代表的東南亞市場的策略進行了研究,分析了兩種完全不同的開拓方式- -貿易方式和投資方式,所應考慮的重點問題和實施策略,以達到最大化利用企業資源,加速積累,擴張市場的戰略目標。 <>