the dark中文翻譯


the dark中文翻譯

时间:2018/07/15 19:45 | 分类:词语大全


He groped for the door handle in the dark .
他在暗中摸索著找門把手。<> I feel pletely in the dark on this question .
這件事使我感到茫然。<> The child has always been frighten of the dark ...
這孩子一直怕 ... 。<>The darkest hour is that before the dawn .
黎明前的時分是最 ... 的。<> A rainbow rose against the dark sky .
昏黑的天空中出現一道彩虹。<> There is a threat of rain in the dark sky .
黑云密布的天空有下雨的兆頭。<>The dark clouds threatened a big storm .
烏云預示暴風雨的來臨。<> Three o'clock, and the dark is already setting in .
三點了,冥色開始降落。<> We stood and panted for a moment in the dark .
我們在 ... 中站著喘息了一會。<> We are still very largely in the dark .
The moon was covered by the dark clouds .
月亮被烏云遮蔽了。<> She went up through the dark well of the house .
她轉身穿過房子陰暗的樓梯井。<> Strange vapours rose from the dark lake .
怪霧由湖面升起。<> There were the stars in the dark heaven travelng .
黑色的夜空上,星星在激游。<> A good name keeps its lustre in the dark .
一個好的名譽在 ... 中也保持它的光輝。<> How am i to find the perimeter in the dark ?
我在 ... 里怎么看出周圍的警戒線呢?<> Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark .
成人之怕死猶如兒童怕入暗處。<>The dark young man nodded .
這位黑皮膚的年青人點了點頭。<>The dark lump on his face turned a dull purple .
他臉皮上的疙疙瘩瘩紫得快發黑了。<> His eyes focused slowly in the dark room .
Persons in the dark cannot ght the way for others .
以其昏昏,使人昭昭是不行的。<>The dark hull broke the surface .
深色的船身浮出海面。<> The action is a leap in the dark .
這是一次冒險行動。<> One couldn't make out what the dark mass was from a distance .
看不清是些什么東西。<> I had to feel about in the dark for the ght switch .
我得在 ... 中摸索著找電燈開關。<> In the dark he saw the wonderful yellow green glow .
... 中,他看見奇妙的黃綠色熾光。<> I am pletely in the dark concerning their plans .
他們的計劃在我心中還是漆黑一團。<>The dark sky was shattered by a blue-white scar .
黑沉沉的穹蒼綻裂開一道藍白色的口子。<> We lost our way in the dark .
我們在 ... 中迷了路。<> Our people seem to be faced with the darkest fate。
We stood on the dark headlands to watch them pass .
我們屹立于 ... 的海角,監視其通過。<> I see a form in the dark .
我在黑處看見一個人影。<> Those in the dark are in no position to ght the way for others .
使人昭昭,是不行的。<> But hawthorne, by parison, worked in the dark .
可是霍桑相形之下是默默無聞地工作的。<> Gleam of sunshine came round the edge of the dark cloud .
從黑云的邊緣露出了太陽的光線。<> Miners had to have some ght in the dark mines .
礦工們在 ... 的礦井里工作必須要有亮光。<> We lost the way in the dark .
我們在 ... 中迷路。<> You swim into the dark ists and turns of her interior .
你游進艦內迂回曲折的漆黑通道。<> He cried out in fright as the dark figure approached .
那個黑影向他逼近,他嚇得叫了出來。<> Groping in the dark , he suddenly touched something .
His mother's death was another blow out of the dark .
母親的過世又給她一個措手不及的打擊。<> It's a wonder (that)you didn't lose your way in the dark .
令人驚奇的是你在 ... 中竟未迷路。<> Don't ask me that. i am pletely in the dark myself .
這件事不要問我,我自己也是一無所知。<> He lost his glasses and had to squint into the dark .
他把眼鏡丟了,不得不瞇著眼在黑地上走。<> Those in the dark are in no position to ght the way for others .
以其昏昏,使人昭昭是不行的。<> She now resolved to keep harriet no longer in the dark .
現在她決定不再把赫蕊埃特悶在葫蘆里了。<> It was the dark and dirty corner of a ... all winding street .
那地方是一條彎曲的小街的骯臟暗角。<> Jim and his gang hid in the dark behind these stairs .
吉姆和他那一伙都藏在扶梯后面黑乎乎的地方。<> I am in the dark still .
我還不大明白。<> Freedom is pitted against slavery; ghtness against the dark .
自由是對奴役而言,光明是對 ... 而言。<>