


时间:2018/05/19 08:06 | 分类:词语大全


The process of money creation will stop cold .
貨幣創造過程就會停滯。<> They have often been reluctant to devalue .
他們往往不顧貨幣貶值。<> Economics interests itself in money and credit .
經濟學關心貨幣和信貸。<> This is a book on the roman coins .
這是一本關于羅馬貨幣的冊子。<> Sales are down a bit due to the revaluation .
由于貨幣升值銷售額稍有下降。<> Revaluation refers to fixed exchange rates .
貨幣的重新估值涉及到固定匯率。<> Almost all eurocurrencies are time deposits .
幾乎所有的歐洲貨幣都是定期存款。<> The money market is very stringent .
貨幣市場上銀根奇緊。<> The currency of this country exchanges at par .
這個國家的貨幣可按票面價值兌換。<> Part of the consideration is money .
Inflation is caused by excessive money stock .
通貨膨脹是由于貨幣積累過剩造成的。<> The old pound note is no longer legal tender .
舊制的英鎊紙幣已不是法定的貨幣了。<> Noheless moarists now acknowledge this fact .
然而,貨幣主義者現在承認這點。<> Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970 .
1970年英國已改用公制貨幣。<> The demand for money can be brought to a minimum .
貨幣的需求就會下降到最低水平。<> The international moary fund bailed them out .
國際貨幣基金組織把他們保釋出來了。<> The value of our currency has sunk to almost nothing .
我們貨幣已經毛得簡直分文不值了。<> The dollar has weakened in international currency trading .
美元在國際貨幣交易中已趨疲軟。<> He had his way on the international currency issue .
對付國際貨幣問題,他有自己的一套 ... 。<> The term inflation signifies a decne in the value of money .
All the money he receives will be paid out again at once .
他收進的所有的貨幣都將會立即付出。<> I'll show you how the great money trick is worked .
我來告訴你們那一大套貨幣花招是怎樣耍弄的吧。<> When money falls in value , there is no encouragement to save .
貨幣貶值時,就無法鼓勵人們儲蓄。<> The currency of that country is weakening on foreign exchanges .
那個國家的貨幣在外匯市場上疲軟。<> We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation .
我們必須對貨幣的流通不斷進行調節。<> The increased demand for money es from a number of sources .
貨幣需求的增加是由若干原因造成的。<> Money was needed for seeds, fertizer, and other inputs .
購買種子,化肥和其他生產投入品都要貨幣。<> Money is a medium of exchange used to measure prices and debts .
貨幣是用來計量物價和債務的交換媒介。<> Sdrs are essentially permanent international official money .
特別提款權實質上是永久性的國際法定貨幣。<> I was just playing the weak dollar against a strong currency .
People and firms want to trade currencies for various reasons .
個人和企業由于種種原因需要買賣各種貨幣。<> The objectives of moary pocy are the same as those of fiscal pocy .
貨幣政策的目的和財政政策一樣。<> Token money could at one time be contrasted with "full bodied" money .
代幣曾一度是“足價”貨幣的對立面。<> It is only when money wages move that instabity declares itself .
只有當貨幣工資移動時,不穩定才會出現。<> Talking money was a form of mental suspension for miles .
對邁爾斯說來,念念貨幣經可算是一種排遣思想的手段。<> In other words, it was not only the struggle about money-wages .
換句話說,這不僅僅是關于貨幣工資方面的爭執。<> How was the world supply of modity money shared among nations ?
各國間是怎樣分配商品貨幣的世界供應量的呢?<> Iron is stated by aristotle to have supped the first currency .
據亞里士多德說,鐵曾用來作為最初的流通貨幣。<> Are copper coins legal tender for a sum in excess of 10 pounds?
超過十鎊的數目可以用銅幣作為法定貨幣來償付嗎?<> The spt was also evident in the ne-up of the money pocy mittee .