


时间:2018/06/18 17:58 | 分类:词语大全


Some of washington's letters are extant .
華盛頓的若干函札現仍存在。<> An engine lathe consists of a number of parts .
普通車床由若干部件組成。<> This clearly imposes costs on individuals .
這當然會給個人增加若干費用。<> Chain is a business that has several outlets .
連鎖是擁有若干分號的企業。<> The party spt into petty factions .
該黨分裂成若干小派系。<> All corporations must have some stated capital .
一切公司都必須有若干規定資本。<> We tried a number of approaches .
我們探索了若干 ... 。<> Difference of opinion broke the party up into camps .
意見分歧使該黨分裂成若干集團。<> The prosecution makes certain changes against the defence .
原告對被告提出若干指控。<> Westerners took some time to discover that gold .
Many of the measurements were modified in some manner .
對其中許多測定 ... 作了若干改進。<> Your plan needs some amendment before it can be made pubc .
在公布之前你的計劃需作若干修改。<> The increased demand for money es from a number of sources .
貨幣需求的增加是由若干原因造成的。<> The rapakivi granites have a number of petrological pecuarities .
環斑花崗巖具有若干巖石學的特征。<> Rations that would serve a few years ago are not adequate now .
若干年以前的合理飼糧今天已經不再適用。<> The discrimination against agriculture derives from several factors .
對農業的歧視是由若干因素造成的。<> They have a certain number of acres of land allotted them by the country .
國家可以分給他們若干畝土地。<> We draw adiabats that divide the cycle into adjacent strips .
我們畫許多絕熱線將循環分割成若干相鄰的狹條。<> We had to face up to a number of seemingly contradictory concerns .
我們不得不正視若干看起來相互矛盾的問題。<> A number of problems are caused by grease in waste treatment practice .
Tatum isolated a number of different auxotrophs of e. co.
Tatum從大腸桿菌中也分離出若干種不同的營養缺陷型。<> The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers .
斷層區的斷層泥可能伸展到若干公里的深度。<> A certain number of years ago , this place was still a ttle fishing village .
若干年前,這里還是一個小漁村。<> He also sponsored laws which aided cafornia farmers and fishermen .
他還提出過若干法案,扶助加州的農民和漁夫。<> The green party hopes to put up a number of candidates in the general election .
綠黨希望提出若干候選人參加大選。<> The rates of growth of births and deaths will depend a number of factors .
增長率、出生率和死亡率都決定于若干因素。<> In later years it would bee fashionable to say of the missionaries .
若干年以后,人們在談起傳教士時常常是人云亦云。<> After some opposition, marianne yielded to her sister's entreaties .
在作了若干抗拒之后,瑪麗安在姐姐的請求之下屈服了。<> The text of the present edition has been revised, and some additions have been made .
本版的正文已作了修改,并有若干補充。<> In 976ad, the babenberg dynasty was invested with parts of its expanse .
This subject of the checks to increase has been ably treated by several authors .
關于抑制這一問題,已有若干人很好地討論過。<> These modern submersibles offer several advantages over the archimede .
這些現代化的潛水器較之“阿基米德號”有若干優勝之處。<> In this crisis some of her previous social experiences became significant .
在這次危機中,她以前的若干社交經歷變得很有意義了。<> The elasticity of substitution is a useful concept in several areas of economics .
置換彈性在若干經濟學領域內是一個有用的概念。<> Each entry usually occupies more than one word, or location, in a puter .
在計算機中,每個登記項通常占據若干個字(或存貼單元)。<> Most stars probably have their quota of plas, meteorids, ets, and asteroids .
多數恒星也許還擁有若干行星、流星、彗星和小行星。<> Several authors have made minor additions to this hult-serrander-du rietz scale .
若干學者對Hule-Sernander-DuRietz蓋度標準作了小小補充。<> For a number of the more important species, relative concentration profiles are shown in fig .
若干比較重要的物質的相對濃度廓線示于圖中。<> Some puters have several fast registers which can be used to hold temporary results .
某些計算機有若干快速寄存器,它們能用來保存中間結果。<> Those confcting but plementary voices of my childhood echo down through the years .
Each blackfoot tribe was divided into several hunting bands led by one or more chiefs .
每一黑腳人部落分為若干狩獵群組,由一名或多名首領領導。<> He first gives in detail all the many points of structure which vary in the several species .
他首先就若干物種詳細舉出其在構造上的許多變異情況。<> In a hard-format, actual holes are punched on the disk, to mark the beginning of the new sector .
硬格式是在軟盤上沖出若干個孔,作為新段的起始標志。<> In this and the next three chapters we shall be occupied with an attempt to clear up certain perplexities .
在本章及以下三章中,我們想澄清若干疑難。<> Reorganizing the japanese forces, he divided them into powerful striking units of 1000 men .
他重新組織了日軍的兵力,把他們分成若干強有力的千人戰斗部隊。<> In such an effort we divide the picture into different parts which have some meaning for the viewer .
我們將此圖片分割成對觀察者來說有某些意義的若干部分。<> A project's objectives are usually very clear cut and often divisible into discrete ponent parts .
項目的目標通常十分明確,并且可以分解成若干個子項目。<> There are several factors that have led us into the present state of uncertainty about ethical standards .
由于若干因素的影響,目前倫理標準尚處在不確定的狀態。<> The average slope of long reaches of rivers must be constant over periods of a few years or decades .
河道長河段的平均坡降,必須是在若干年或幾十年周期中為常數。<> In recent years, these long-held beefs have been not only somewhat modified but also supplemented .