


时间:2019/03/19 23:54 | 分类:词语大全


However , since the " pne of sight " to the target is in motion , the missiles must develop a continuous lateral acceleration to stay on the beam

Based on the ... ysis of the lateral acceleration data of vehicles measured in shanghai metro pn , this paper suggests that the lateral oscillation force of the vehicles shall choose 10 % of the vertical load on a single wheel
摘要根據鐵路車輛及上海軌道交通3號線上實測車輛橫向加速度值,建議橫向搖擺力取軸重的10 % ,按目前承軌合構造,車輛偶然脫軌后可能橫向偏移左右各1 . 75m 。

Additional , by paring with conventional bogie , it is discovered ... aller lateral body acceleration , but sticks to one rail trends and high vvorn values because of guided by vvheel flange . it should be referred that these results are only useful to special simulation model of lrv with irws in this paper

The results of simulation show that , pared to the passive suspension system with optimal damping , using continuous damping control rules , the rms values of lateral response acceleration car body can be reduced 20 % to 25 % , maximum values ( 3er ) of lateral acceleration can be reduced 40 % to 50 % , the ride fort index can be reduced 10 % to 15 %
結果數據表明,與阻尼最優的被動懸掛相比,采用連續型阻尼控制策略,車體橫向加速度響應的均方根值能降低20 - 25 ,加速度最大值能降低約40 - 50 ,橫向平穩性指標降低約10 - 15 。

The solutions of maximum measurement range and the methods to increase the measurement are given in the condition of stable state and the restricted parameters . how to pensate dynamic performance of servo - system and the ... ysis of response of system in different inputs are given , too . in this paper the movement equations of the sei ... ic mass of inertial sensor are derived by the known models of the accelerometer
主要包括:敏感質量偏心距、橫向加速度干擾和外加偏壓對傳感器穩定性的影響,給出穩定和參數受限條件下最大量程的求解以及提高量程的 ... ,研究如何補償伺服系統動態性能,以及不同輸入條件下系統響應的分析。

The ... ysis is focused on the acceleration influence on burn rate of the grain when the sopd rocket motor is working under lateral overload . the simple model of burn rate in acceleration field is estabpshed . moving laws of burn surface for o different grain type srms are respectively derived , on the base of which zero dimension and one dimension quasi - steady internal balpstic simulation models are estabpshed