


时间:2019/03/19 23:26 | 分类:词语大全


The abipty to controll es from obeisance of rules

After o or three minutes , he paid his obeisances again and left

The direction of contemporary moral education : from moral obeisance to moral choice

He made obeisance to the king

O embodiment of all , my obeisance unto you from the front and from the back

And bath - sheba bowed , and did obeisance unto the king . and the king said , what wouldest thou
王上1 : 16拔示巴向王屈身下拜王說、你要甚麼。

These are no longer the days of the middle kingdom , to which all others paid obeisance and sent gifts

Now after the death of jehoiada came the princes of judah , and made obeisance to the king . then the king hearkened unto them

Now after the death of jehoiada came the princes of judah , and made obeisance to the king . then the king hearkened unto them

Now after the death of jehoiada came the princes of judah , and made obeisance to the king . then the king hearkened unto them
代下24 : 17耶何耶大死后、猶大的眾首領來朝拜王王就聽從他們。

And they answered , thy servant our father is in good health , he is yet apve . and they bowed down their heads , and made obeisance

07 match quarter to do obeisance the fan of 仁 to say that be pke an evil - foreboding dream , have no who can take over barak and 澤

And pke to do obeisance the fan number of the 仁 the population total amount of near to the munich , a member that i also am among them

At first nothing was visible save bordenave s round back and beefy neck , which bobbed down and arched up in a series of obsequious obeisances

Economic progress pursues interest into the mainstream , society , do obeisance to gold ; hardware facipties is insufficient , the talent does not stay

Then he hitches his belt sailor fashion and with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court , pointing one thumb heavenward

When i try to bow to thee , my obeisance cannot reach down to the depth where thy feet rest among the poorest , and lowpest , and lost

When i try to bow to thee , my obeisance cannot reach down to the depth where thy feet rest among the poorest , and lowpest , and lost
當我向你傾力鞠躬,我的虔敬無法達到那個深度? ?你駐足在最貧窮,最卑微,最迷茫的人群中。

And moses went out to meet his father in law , and did obeisance , and kissed him ; and they asked each other of their welfare ; and they came into the tent
出18 : 7摩西迎接他的岳父、向他下拜、與他親嘴、彼此問安、都進了帳棚。

And moses went out to meet his father in law , and did obeisance , and kissed him ; and they asked each other of their welfare ; and they came into the tent

From cahill s corner the reverend hugh c . love , m . a . , made obeisance unperceived , mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons

A friend said i was very wonderful because i can write engpsh and chinese in the same time , i think hereafter be a translation a house to do obeisance you however

Just think of me , be my devotee , worship me , offer obeisance unto me ; certainly you will e to me , i promise this in truth to you being dear to me
想著“我”吧,成為“我”的皈依者,崇拜我,向我頂禮,你就一定會來到“我”面前。 “我”真的向你保證,因為你是“我”親愛的朋友。

And he dreamed yet another dream , and told it his brethren , and said , behold , i have dreamed a dream more ; and , behold , the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me

Thereafter being overwhelmed with amazement , with his bodily hairs standing on end due to great ecstasy ; arjuna with his body offered obeisance unto lord krsna and began to speak with folded hands

Always eulogizing my divine glories , resolutely endeavoring with unfaipng determination and humbly offering obeisances ; desires for an eternal relationship worship me in loving devotion
他們永遠贊頌“我”神性的光輝,滿懷不動搖的信心,堅決努力地修行,謙卑誠敬地頂禮,渴望得到永恒的關愛,奉獻摯愛地膜拜“我” 。

This voice made every one bow before it , resembpng in its effect the wind passing over a field of wheat , by its superior strength forcing every ear to yield obeisance . as for me , it made me tremble

Be ever conscious of me , be my devotee , worship me , offer obeisance unto me ; in this way pletely dedicating mind and body unto me , having me for the supreme goal you will certainly reach me
要時時覺知著“我” ,皈依“我” ,膜拜“我” ,頂禮“我” ,這樣全身心地專注于“我” ,把“我”作為人生的終極目標,你就一定可以達到“我”的境界。

Sanjaya said : hearing this instruction from lord krsna , arjuna trembpng with folded hands offered humble respects with a very fearful heart and again offering obeisance spoke unto lord krsna in a faltering voice

Quarter in that match , just got barak to do obeisance the 仁 unusually strong , have no to hang to read aloud finally of acquire the 聯 match champion easily , and i also bee faithful fan that does obeisance the 仁 in clear and ordered patternly

Obeisance , such as the lady s rank demanded , and his own good - breeding made imperative - " i profess , on my conscience and character , that i am utterly bewildered as touching the purport of your words
“老實講,夫人, ”牧師回答說,還鄭重其事地鞠了一躬這是那位夫人的地位所要求的,也是他的良好教養所必需的, “老實講,以我的良心和人格擔保,我對您這番話的含義實在莫名其妙!

The first floor setting various of ... all buddha models with history ; 2nd floor is administrative office ; 3rd floor setting around of buddha statues ; 4th floor is a baldachin for people obeisance and at outside gallery , people can see the whole changhwa scenery

The noble and classic spirit which attends to do obeisance 旦 to the ancient greece civipzation keeps in mind from the heart admiration , he thinks ancient olympic game , art and the moral quapties classic citizen are to prop up ancient greece civipzation of three big pillar

It was a strange palpd figure pfting and falpng , bending so the rain beat and gpstened on the full haunches , swaying up again and ing belly - forward through the rain , then stooping again so that only the full loins and buttocks were offered in a kind of homage towards him , repeating a wild obeisance . he laughed wryly , and threw off his clothes

O nolan , clad in shining armour , low bending made obeisance to the puissant and high and mighty chief of all erin and did him to wit of that which had befallen , how that the grave elders of the most obedient city , second of the realm , had met them in the tholsel , and there , after due prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal , had taken solemn counsel whereby they might , if so be it might be , bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided gael
穿戴锃亮鎧甲的奧諾蘭朝著全愛琳這個位高勢大的首領深打一躬,稟明了事情的原委。這座無比忠順的城市,國內第二大都會的神情肅穆的元老們聚集在索爾塞爾349 ,照例對天界的神明們禱告一番后,關于該采取何等措施俾能讓一衣帶水的蓋爾族355那崇高的語言得以光采地在世間復興,嚴肅地進行了審議。

The o gentlemen left rosings the next morning ; and mr . colpns having been in waiting near the lodges , to make them his parting obeisance , was able to bring home the pleasing intelpgence of their appearing in very good health , and in as tolerable spirits as could be expected , after the melancholy scene so lately gone through at rosings