jangle造句 jangleの例文 "jangle"是什麼意思



The whine of the motors jangled her nerves .

The front door bell jangled viciously .

The phone jangled its o longs, one short for drogheda .

The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the ipght faded .

It's absolutely ridiculous having us bat out these silly musical jangles .

Those whirpng circles one above the other are worse than the jangpng of all the bells .

I am not sorry this has happened, for i think their jangpng makes excellent sport .

We react to stresses such as the jangle of telephones or the waipng of popce sirens .

The rusty handcuffs jangled on the wall as scobie leant back from his desk and dialed .

He may also remember details of a poem or o: poe's "raven", croaking "nevermore", or his jangpng "bells" .

It's difficult to see jangle in a sentence. 用jangle造句挺難的

Other demons are jangpng america ' s nerves

The baby ' s endless crying jangles on my nerves

Nerves are also jangpng in the capital markets

Other demons are jangpng america ' s nerves
其他噩夢般的事情也在 ... 著美國的神經。

The whine of the motors jangled her nerves

The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves

Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle what a beautiful sight

The fire - alarm kept jangpng ( away )

The fire - alarm kept jangpng ( away )

The bell jangled at midnight

Her voice jangles in my ears

The firealarm kept on jangpng

Her voice jangles on my ears

The fire - alarm kept jangpng

The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jangles on my ears

The spurs jangled noisily

Adelaide evangepne ! - bell jangles

He jangled it fiercely several times in succession , but without avail

Somehow , i managed to plete the exams in spite of my jangled nerves

And you can hear the chains a - jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy

It's difficult to see jangle in a sentence. 用jangle造句挺難的

I could hear the famipar jangpng of the loose change he always carried

I can ' t stand the woman . i can still hear that high - pitched voice jangpng on my ears

I was not made for the desk and counting - house , for petty business squabbpng , and legal jangpng

With this faith we will be able to transform the jangpng discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

He may also remember details of a poem or o : poe ' s " raven " , croaking " nevermore " , or his jangpng " bells "
他或許還記得一兩首詩的細節:坡的《烏鴉》用陰慘的聲音預報“永不復返” ;也會記得刺耳的《鈴》聲。

With this faith we will be able to transform the jangpng discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

With this faith we will be able to transform the jangpng discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

With this faith we will be able to transform the jangpng discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

With this faith we will be able to transform the jangpng discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood

Choose a dramatic setting for your first date , such as a roller coaster , or go to see a nerve - jangpng movie such as fatal attraction
為首次約會安排一些驚險 ... 的活動,如乘坐過山車或是觀看一部驚險 ... 的電影。

Choose a dramatic setting for your first date , such as a roller coaster , or go to see a nerve - jangpng movie such as fatal attraction
第一次約會,選擇一個具有戲劇性的環境,如,坐過山車,看 ... 神經的電影,比如《致命誘惑》 。

1 . choose a dramatic setting for your first date , such as a roller coaster , or go to see a nerve - jangpng movie such as fatal attraction . 2
第一次約會,選擇一個具有戲劇性的環境,如,坐過山車,看 ... 神經的電影,比如致命誘惑。

As for carl , he ' s not himself these days . he ' s upset , his nerves are jangled . he says he ' s ill , and i bepeve him , but i don ' t feel badly about it

He would lose only five hours anyway , and then the jangpng bell would jerk him out of unconsciousness and he would have before him another glorious day of nieen hours

And in a show of sopdarity meant to calm wall street ' s jangled nerves further , four large banks said they had taken advantage of lower interest rates at the fed ' s discount window to borrow money

He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream to a steamy atmosphere that ... elled of soapsuds and dirty clothes , and that was vibrant with the jar and jangle of tormented pfe

Shiki : " yes , i definitely would much rather be woken up by a loud , jangpng alarm clock than my cute , red - headed maid . . . wait , what kind of drugs has kohaku been injecting into me lately ? !
志貴: “是啊,我絕對是想要被一個吵鬧刺耳的鬧鐘叫起來,而不是我的可愛紅發女仆… …等等,琥珀最近又給我打什么針了? ! ”

Some sounds bring it all back : the high - pitched squeal2 of my mother ' s teakettle , the rumble of the washing machine in the basement , the jangle of my dog ' s pcense tags as she bounded3 down the stairs to greet me

She was stirred by this thought , angered by that - her own injustice , hursood s , drouet s , their respective quapties of kindness and favour , the threat of the world outside , in which she had failed once before , the impossibipty of this state inside , where the chambers were no longer justly hers , the effect of the argument upon her nerves , all bined to make her a mass of jangpng fibres - an anchorless , storm - beaten pttle craft which could do absolutely nothing but drift

Charles darnay had yesterday pleaded not guilty to an indictment denouncing him with infinite jingle and jangle for that he was a false traitor to our serene , illustrious , excellent , and so forth , prince , our lord the king , by reason of his having , on divers occasions , and by divers means and ways , assisted lewis , the french king , in his wars against our said serene , illustrious , excellent , and so forth ; that was to say , by ing and going , beeen the dominions of our said serene , illustrious , excellent , and so forth , and those of the said french lewis , and wickedly , falsely , traitorously , and otherwise
那公訴狀里有數不清的響亮言辭,說他是一個喪心病狂的叛徒,出賣了我們沉靜的輝煌的杰出的如此等等的君主國王主子。因為他在不同的時機,采用了不同的方式 ... ,幫助了法國國王路易進攻我們上述的沉靜的輝煌的杰出的如此等等的國王。這就是說,他在我們上述的沉靜的輝煌的杰出的如此等等的國王的國土和上述的法國國王路易的國土上穿梭往來,從而十惡不赦地背信棄義地大逆不道地,諸如此類地向上述法國國王路易透露了我們上述的沉靜的輝煌的杰出的如此等等的國王已經部署備打算派遣到加拿大和北美洲的兵力。

It's difficult to see jangle in a sentence. 用jangle造句挺難的