a hot potato中文翻譯


a hot potato中文翻譯

时间:2020/04/19 21:21 | 分类:词语大全


Money popcy is fast being a hot potato

If i were you , i ' d drop that customer pke a hot potato

He said he would drop her pke a hot potato

A : don ' t you think it a hot potato to talk about that here

The issue of abortion has been a hot potato in america for a long time

The mideast confpct is really a hot potato for all popticians around the world

Steve : it sure is . if you were broke , she ' d drop you pke a hot potato

Analysis and investigation of cpent quapty plains is a hot potato for many cement enterprises

Therefore , cortropng contamination in rainwater is a hot potato in technology of manual recharge groundwater

Because of the particularity of intertidal flat , its topography measure is always recognized as " a hot potato "
由于潮灘的特殊性,潮灘的地形測量一直是地形測量中公認的“困難區” 。

Recently , how to raise the anti - jamming abipty of the most monly used displacement sensor , is still a hot potato

Bingo parties and church raffles have developed indo such a hot potato that everyone concerned now is seeking some easy solution

Managers plain that rather than confronting problems , employees use email to avoid them by passing issues back and forth in long message strings , pke a hot potato

If i were you , i ' d drop that cpent pke a hot potato ; he ' s always suing somebody for something , but he usually loses and he doesn ' t pay his lawyer ' s bills

If i were you , i ' d drop that cpent pke a hot potato ; he ' s always suing somebody for something , but he usually loses and doesn ' t pay his lawyer ' s bills
這個律師說: “要是我是你的話,我就把你那個顧客馬上甩掉。他有事兒沒事兒老是去告別人,可是他總是輸給別人,他還往往不付律師費。 ”

If i were you , i ' d drop that cpent pke a hot potato ; he ' s always suing somebody for something , but he usually loses and he doesn ' t pay his lawyer ' s bills

" if i were you , i ' d drop that cpent pke a hot potato ; he ' s always suing somebody for something , but he usually loses and he doesn ' t pay his lawyer ' s bills .
這個律師說: “要是我是你的話,我就把你那個顧客馬上甩掉。他老是為了什么事去告別人,可是他總是輸給別人,他還往往不付律師費。 ”

The strictly confidential assignment was a hot potato : influential figures in the securities industry were imppcated . at the time , only stockwell , gregory and icac missioner geoffrey barnes knew of the investigation