airport apron中文翻譯


airport apron中文翻譯

时间:2018/11/24 02:36 | 分类:词语大全


At the beginning of this thesis , system structure of airport apron - hydrant - sys . and its constant pressure request was introduced
針對對象模型不能確定、系統魯棒性要求較高的特點,確定了以pid技術為核心的控制 ... 。

The new development area of sekd prises the former kai tak airport apron and runway ( 280 hectares ) and new reclamation areas ( 133 hectares )
九龍東南發展計劃的新發展區包括舊?德機場停機坪及跑道( 280公頃) ,以及新填海區( 133公頃) 。

We also put seals on the container to ensure that nobody could gain access to the documents during the journey . colleagues responsible for the transportation had to monitor the movement of the container on the airport apron before they boarded the plane . on arrival in hong kong , they had to collect the documents directly from the plane s cargo partment , " chui said

They have worked on many buildings and bridges in north america , europe , and asia . such projects include the petronas towers skybridge legs in malaysia , the bellagio bridges in las vegas , the trump world tower and the random house building in new york city , and the lester b . pearson airport apron control tower in toronto , canada
Pharmeng technology inc .在提供國際藥廠與生化科技公司有關制藥的諮詢服務上,位居領導地位,并于不久前在加拿大約克地區所舉辦的華裔杰出企業家典禮上獲頒2005年最佳國際公司獎。