machaze造句 machazeの例文 "machaze"是什麼意思



Among these was a treatise on the entire Rambam called "'Machaze Hamelech "', another on the posterity.

The Pafuri border post with South Africa can be reached via Chitobe ( in Machaze District ) and Save Centro to Massangena or Zambaredja, but an off-road vehicle is required.

On 20 November 1975 he was appointed Bishop of Inhambane by Pope Paul VI . The Archbishop of Maputo, Alexandre Jos?Maria dos Santos consecrated him on 8 February 1976 as bishop, along with Bishop of Beira, Ernesto Gon鏰lves da Costa, and Janu醨io Machaze Nhangumbe, Bishop of Porto Am閘ia.

It's difficult to find machaze in a sentence. 用machaze造句挺難的