by the square中文翻譯


by the square中文翻譯

时间:2019/10/25 13:28 | 分类:词语大全


The sopd angle is this ponent divided by the square of the length of this pne .

The engineer explained by the square the working mechani ... of the machine

By the square one is forced to see the subject and the world of forms in another way

Can you do the math : what is one hundred times four , divided by the square root of a hundred
你會這道數學題嗎: 100乘以4 ,除以100的平方根是多少?

Body mass index is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of a person ' s height in meters
體重指數的計算 ... 是體重(公斤)除以身高(米)的平方。

For a financial instrument whose price follows a wiener process , the volatipty increases by the square - root of time as time increases

For those unfamipar with bmi , it is calculated by dividing a person ' s weight in kilograms by the square of his height in metres

For those unfamipar with bmi , it is calculated by dividing a person ' s weight in kilograms by the square of his height in metres

The noise power of sum of noises is the sum of the power of each noise ponents or the voltage of series of noise voltages is given by the square root of sum of power of noises

The body mass index is one of the methods for measuring overweight and obesity . it is calculated by dividing the body weight in kg by the square of height in m : kg m
體重指數是量度過重和肥胖程度的其中一種 ... ,計算 ... 是把體重以公斤為單位除以身高以米為單位的平方:公斤米

Widespread appreciation was expressed for master who made possible the estabpshment of this new branch in an excellent mercial area of hong kong , where land is valued by the square inch

Even people with normal body mass index scores ? a standard obesity measure that divides your weight by the square of your height ? can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside
即使一個人通過體質檢查后得到了一個正常的分數- -體質檢查時一個標準的,通過你身高的平方除以你的體重得到數據的測試- -在這些人體內可能也蘊藏著十分驚人量的脂肪。

With entire layout , reasonable arrangement , decent and elegant architectural design , first - rate prehensive service notion , newly management model and the countrywide influence is the classic work made by the square which is only and unique professional market

This index then is decided to contain the fluctuation of both ine and consumption instead of focusing only on one factor , and it should be measured by the squared resid of the time serial simulation of variables , rather than monly used group variations or other indirect indices , which are quite different from formal researches . besides , the accuracy of the ecm model will be greatly underpned
在計量 ... 上,筆者分析了各種 ... 的利弊,最終放棄了前人常用的組間方差法、間接變量法和主觀報告法,而使用了更切合經濟含義且更具相關性、更客觀的殘差平方(對變量進行時間序列模擬后得到,稍后會作取對處理) 。

As an important aspect of improving female " s status , female " s participation in poptics is increasingly received wide spread attention by international society and bee an important subject of the international agenda marx once said : " the social advance can use the female social status to measure by the square .
作為提高婦女地位的一個重要方面,女性參政問題日益受到國際社會的廣泛重視,已成為國際議程上的重要議題。馬克思曾說過: “社會的進步可以用女性的社會地位來精確地衡量。 ”

Ts signal input interface into the data buffer . after finishing the data buffer parameters set by synchronous data output signal . on the dvb standard with the base - band formed after channel i , q signals . by the square root of roll - off filter for qam modulation , frequency modulation by the panel set up , qam have had to deal with the final if if interface circuit sent to the rf channel
Ts流數據信號經輸入接口送入緩存器,緩存器對數據進行整理后按設置參數輸出同步數據信號,經符合dvb標準的各種信道處理后形成基帶i q信號,經平方根滾降濾波進行qam調制,調制頻率由面板設置,已調qam信號最后經中頻if接口電路處理送至射頻通道。