l type中文翻譯


l type中文翻譯

时间:2020/02/28 04:30 | 分类:词语大全


Using u l type ventilation to treat gas in upper corner

Lyc - l type takes the high accu 100 pters of box explosion - pr

The t30 l type wrench : exhibition lock appropriation
T30 l型梅花扳手展覽鎖件專用:

Available with our ltd all bearing indexable l type drills

L type column in a non - xml index

L type coopng tower fan

T30 l type wrenc . .
T30 l型梅花扳手

T30 l type wrench
T30 l型梅花扳手

The mrna expression of l type calcium channel in t - tubular membrane may increase due to the pensation for its functional decrease

Thirdly , this paper developed the experiment board for teaching of eda - l type to face the requirement of teaching reformation in 21g century
第三,本文面向21世紀教學改革的需要,研制了eda - 1型教學實驗板。

Elevation of intracellular calcium ions may be partly induced by increased influx through sarcolemma l type - calcium channels . intracellular calcium elevation , on one hand , would activate calpain , a calcium - dependent cysteine protease that degrade the myofibrillar proteins and cause muscle atrophy ; on the other hand , result in activation of calcineurin which enhance the activity of mhc i promoter and inhibit a shift of mhc isoforms from slow to fast in soleus
這樣,可能使得萎縮比目魚肌細胞內鈣離子水平升高,細胞內鈣離子靜息濃度的增加一方面激活calpain ,增加收縮蛋白的降解,使肌肉萎縮;草四軍醫大月卜祠成士學位論文另一方面通過激活鈣調神經磷酸酶,增加快型mhc基因的表達,使骨骼肌肌球蛋白重鏈( mhc )發生由慢型向快型的轉化。