palatal造句 palatalの例文 "palatal"是什麼意思



Stainless steel palatal bar wire

Palatal sensations of fullness and roundness , with a pleasant taste of chocolate

Adaptation of pure titanium palatal plate for upper plete denture : a cpnical study

Autogenous palatal mucosal graft ( pmg ) has been considered the most predictable grafting material when utipzed to increase attached keratinized gingiva

A18 year old male patient , mesial lesion in relation to 26 . mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration . discoloured palatal groove
18歲男性患者, 26號牙齒的牙冠中面出現缺損,中面及遠中面的汞合金修復出現邊緣惡化現象。上顎溝變色。

Conclusion when m / f is about 8 and o equal forces are added on both buccal and palatal sides , there are the uniform stress in the molar and controlled translatory movement

Conclusion with respect to the protection of the anchorage of molar , it is more suitable for the palatal implant to connect with the first permanent molar than with the maxillary second bicuspid

Results the palatal implant connecting with the first permanent molar significantly reduced mesial movement and protrusive displacements of anchor teeth while the implant connecting with the maxillary second bicuspid was in favor of the control on the movement of the first permanent molar towards the medium of the palate

It's difficult to find palatal in a sentence. 用palatal造句挺難的