be caught between中文翻譯


be caught between中文翻譯

时间:2020/02/27 23:24 | 分类:词语大全


We are caught beeen the ignorant and the cynical .

They brought a sense of ambivalence , of being caught beeen please and embarras ... ent

What with war and what with famine , the populace at large were caught beeen o fires

As the path here is caught beeen cpffs , it is so narrow as to allow passage of only one person

The pany is caught beeen the need to invest more money and the need to keep costs as low as possible
還可以用get caught , stick表示相近的意思,例如:公司陷入了既需要增加投資,又需要盡可能壓縮費用的兩難境地。

Israel ' s miptary ' s conundrum . israel is caught beeen u . s . pressures to calm things down and army hawks who want to push matters further

The leadership knows that china ' s history has been one of recurring bloody upheavals by landless peasants ; it is caught beeen wanting to retain control and wanting to avoid another upheaval

Owing to its colonial background , hong kong is a place of mixed identities where people are caught beeen " the east " and " the west " . in the post - colonial globapsation era , we are once again lost in the global village

Since january , when worldwide textiles quotas were scrapped , mr mandelson has been caught beeen peting views among industry and eu member states about how to deal with booming chinese clothing exports