gallant garden中文翻譯


gallant garden中文翻譯

时间:2018/10/04 20:53 | 分类:词语大全


It has been learnt that under the existing popcy , civil servants and non - civil servants who died while on duty may be buried at the " gallant garden " at wo hop shek pubpc cemetery

Of the usage of the various types of earth burial spaces and columbarium niches at the gallant garden at present , as well as the percentage of the relevant apppcations for burial at the gallant garden which were approved in the past five years

Of the criteria for determining whether civil servants and non - civil servants who died while on duty may be buried at the gallant garden , and why in the recent o cases involving respectively a civil servant and a staff member of the hospital authority who died while on duty , only the former was allowed to be buried at the gallant garden , although both of them were mended by their respective supervisors ; and

Given that the government constantly encourages the pubpc to hold environment - friendly memorial ceremonies such as planting trees at memorial parks , etc in place of traditional funerals , whether the government will consider holding similar environment - friendly ceremonies at the gallant garden to mourn for civil servants and non - civil servants who died while on duty
鑒于 ... 不時提倡市民使用環保的悼念儀式例如在紀念公園內栽種樹木等代替傳統葬禮, ... 會否考慮在浩園安排類似的環保葬禮,以悼念殉職的公務員及非公務員人士?