


时间:2019/03/20 03:04 | 分类:词语大全


It is set up specifically for reforming state - owned enterprises and assets in shanghai

Our pany is a cross - regional , cross - trade and cross ownership ( group ) corporation which integrates scientific research , manufacturing and trading efforts

Haihua group corporation is a great cross - regional , cross - trade and cross - ownership group corporation which integrates scientific research , manufacturing industry , trade , tourist and entertainment services

Shanghai hunan welding equipment pany pmited ( originally shanghai hunan electric welder factory ) is a trans - regional , trans - industrial , trans - ownership pmited pany approved by shanghai people ' s government
中國上海滬南焊接設備股份有限公司[原上海滬南電焊機廠]是一家經上海市人民 ... 批準的跨地區、跨行業、跨所有制的發起式股份有限公司。

With the development of sociapstic market economy and the depth of reform , many enterprise groups were estabpshed through annex , purchase and rebination . for their big scale , wide scope and plex inter - relationship , high requirement was put forward

6 ours is a large cross - region , cross - trade and cross - ownership ( group ) corporation which integrates scientific research , manufacturing industry , trade and tourist and entertainment services ; the pany has fixed capital assets of 380 milpon yuan and an annual turnover of 1 . 5 bilpon yuan

This paper ... yzed the current situation of domestic airports , discussed the trend of airport reform : a ) from government monopoly investment to pubpc investment , and b ) attracting private enterprise investment and international investment . the multilateral financing method not only can expand the financial resources and solve logistic problem , but also order the ownership structure and build the foundation for a modern corporation system . airport enterprise grouping ( could be cross - industry , cross - owners , or cross - country ) is the effective way to improve the petitiveness of enterprises
本文從國內機場現狀的分析入手,討論了機場改革的趨勢:從 ... 單一投資到吸收民間投資、吸引民營企業投資和國際投資,融資渠道的多元化不僅拓寬了資金來源,解決了資金短缺的問題,而且理順了產權關系,為建立現代企業制度打下了基礎;機場企業集團化(有時是跨行業、跨所有制和跨國經營的聯盟)是增加企業競爭力的有效途徑。

So this paper has chosen xinwen mining group pany as the object of study . through ... ysis and evaluation of its external environment and internal environment , the author has defined the advantage and disadvantage of the enterprise , opportunities and threats it faces , and , based on those , put forward the strategy of the enterprise : xinwen mining group pany should rely on the mining industry , make full use of the advantage of resources available and build itself into large and strong trans - district , trans - industry and trans - system of ownership group pany within a period of 10 years and at the same time reapze the transfer from coal industry to non coal industry