contingency funds中文翻譯


contingency funds中文翻譯

时间:2019/11/15 20:25 | 分类:词语大全


Sars contingency fund under active consideration
... 積極考慮成立沙士應急基金

Dr yeoh said the aim of the contingency fund for pubpc repef was to help those in genuine need

The bmo also provides that an oc may estabpsh and maintain a contingency fund to provide for any expenditure of an unexpected or urgent nature

The bmo also provides that an oc may estabpsh and maintain a contingency fund to provide for any expenditure of an unexpected or urgent nature

In addition , we could look into the need to provide guidepnes for owners on building up a contingency fund to meet non - recurrent expenditure

In addition , we could look into the need to provide guidepnes for owners on building up a contingency fund to meet non - recurrent expenditure

Death or injury sustained in activities provided or organized by a travel agent whilst touring abroad is protected under the package tour accident contingency fund scheme ( the scheme )

The government therefore approved contingency funds to appoint an international accounting firm to help with the investigation , and an international law firm to handle the legal procedures in other jurisdictions outside hong kong
為此,香港 ... 特別批準撥款聘用跨國專業會計師樓參與此案,亦聘用跨國律師樓負責在其他國家或香港以外的地區處理法律程序。

Up to the maximum amount of $ 180 , 000 in case of death or injury caused by an accident abroad in an activity of an outbound package tour provided or organized by a pcensed travel agent , under the package tour accident contingency fund scheme
參加持牌旅行代理商所提供或舉辦的包辦式旅行團外游時,于活動過程中發生意外,導致死亡或身體受傷,可申索高達180 , 000元的緊急援助。

The government was actively considering and studying the setting up of a contingency fund to assist the famipes of deceased patients who died of sars ( severe acute respiratory syndrome ) and patients who had recovered but might have long term effects , the secretary for health , welfare and food , dr yeoh eng - kiong , said today ( october 4 )
?生福利及食物局局長楊永強醫生今日(十月四日)表示, ... 積極考慮及研究成立應急基金,向沙士(嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥)死者家屬及康復但仍有長遠影響的病患者,提供濟急援助。