关于李小龙简介.ppt 文档全文预览



King of Kung Fu----Bruce Lee ----李小龙 Bruce Lee's main achievements Bruce Lee (李小龙),Old name is Lee Jun Fan (李振藩) Born in San Fransisco in 11-27-1940 Died in 7-20-1973 Tall 1.73cm Weight :64 kg Jeet Kune Do grandmaster (截拳道宗师) UFC origin(终极格斗冠军赛 起源者) MMA father(混合格斗之父)He will be Kung Fu a word writte EnglishDictionary 他将 Kung Fu(功夫)一词写入了英文词典。The first Chinese successfully into the Hollywood首位成功打入好莱坞的华人He let nunchakus swept the world.他让双节棍风靡全球In 1957, won the boxing champion in Hongkong (获香港校际拳击赛冠军)Bruce Lee's main achievements In 1958,Hong Kong Open Championship by just dance (获全港恰恰舞公开大赛冠军) In 1967, in the United States established " Jeet Kune Do’’ 在美国创立——截拳道 In 1974,Bruce Lee was the international authority of martial arts magazine" black belt" as one of seven wonders of the world martial arts, American newspapers praised him as " the king of Kung Fu", Japanese says he “warrior saint”。

李小龙被国际权威武术杂志《黑带》 评为世界七大武术家之一,位于榜首。 美国报刊赞誉他为“功夫之王”,日本 人称他为“武之圣者”。Bruce Lee’s speed Bruce Lee moves very fast, quick to see the movie, so had to slow down the film speed, can hit 9 punches per second , every second can play 6 legs.Bruce Lee‘s study(绝学) Bruce Lee Inch of fist : with one inch of distance will be 200 pounds Bouncer hit about 1.8 meters。 It is Jeet kune do special senior killer maceskill. 李小龙以一寸的距离将体重200磅壮汉 击出约1.8米(图为李小龙在美国长提表演) Combat strength(格斗实力) Front kick tutorial: a height of approximately 2 meters 5 (may kick the broken ceiling lamp )腾空前踢:高度约2米5(可以踢碎天花板上的灯泡) Side kick: a height of approximately 2 meters ( can volley kick NBA star Jabbar ‘s head, Jabbar ’s height is 2 meters 18腾空侧踢:高度约2米(可以凌空踢到NBA 球星贾 巴尔的头部李小龙简介,贾巴尔的身高是2米18With its signature move“ stepside kick”, a 200 pound man wearing armor flying about 6.75 meters , it was estimated that power is at least 1680 pounds。

以其招牌动作“垫步侧踢”,把一个身穿护甲的200磅壮汉踢飞了22.5英尺(约6.75米),有人估算这个力量至少是1680磅。李小龙和师父叶问 In the movie<<The dragon on the way >>(猛龙过江) That’s all!Thank you!!Class 3 Wang Yongfei (25) * * Today,I will tell you a Bruce Lee that you don‘t know………… In 1998,Won the" Time magazine" named "Twentieth Century heroes and idols,“ the Chinese are only candidates(获《时代杂志》评为“二十世纪的 英雄与偶像”,是唯一入选的华人。 李小龙的动作非常快,快到看不清,所以拍 电影时只好放慢胶片的速度,每秒可以打出9拳 (连环快拳),每秒可以踢出6腿。出拳的速度 拳速是九分之一秒一拳(比泰森的拳速还要快 许多,泰森的拳速是七分之一秒每拳) 李小龙寸拳,是截拳道特别高级的 ... 手锏技艺。

李小龙的“寸拳”所击出的“寸劲可将一名体重超过75公斤的人击出几米远李小龙简介,在1至3寸距离甚至贴身状态,发力将对方击倒。。。 李小龙与NBA巨星天钩贾巴尔(李小龙徒弟) 背阔肌:扩展时周长超过1.12395米 Both the body brace in the shape of V and maintained for a period of time双手将身体撑起呈V字形并保持一段时间 Easily insert his fingers to Coca cola. 轻松地把手指插入一罐未开封的可口可乐。 Can make a single hand two fingers and grip support 可以做单手二指俯握撑。 In 2000, world record, Bruce Lee punched to shoot 400 kgs strength (2000年,金氏世界纪录,李小龙一拳能打出400公斤的力量,与拳王阿里相同,而阿里的体重是260磅,李小龙的体重只有130多磅) 用侧踢把一只45公斤的沙袋踢破。 With the side kick up a 45 kg sandbag kick Side kick 5 block can be hanging plank of kicking, each board thickness of 1 inches 侧踢可以将5块悬空的厚木板踢碎, 每块木板厚度为1英寸 Brother Jackie Chan was still“fists of Fury" to Bruce Lee to run across the stage. The reason is because Bruce Lee fly foot kick, the actors can't stand, looking for Jackie Chan do the stunt to the kick. 成龙大哥当年还在《精武门》里给李小龙跑过龙套。具体的原因是因为李小龙飞脚踢人,那个演员受不了,找成龙做替身挨这一脚。 李小龙VS罗礼士(空手道世界冠军) 李小龙VS黄仁植(韩国跆拳道七段) Tribute to Bruce Lee!!! 向李小龙致敬!!!