【连假英文】这 9 句英文让同事朋友超羨慕你的假期




● 英文话题这样问

◎ How was your vacation? 你的假期过得怎么样?

通常要问「...如何?」的时候,最常会用到疑问词 how 了!当你好奇别人的假期好不好玩、过得如何的时候,这句就很实用喔!

How was your vacation? I remember you said you were going to San Francisco this time.


◎ How did your holidays go? 你的节日过得如何?

这里的 go 可不是「走」的意思喔,它在这里是指「进行、进展」,因此 How did your holidays go? 就是在问「你的节日进行得如何?」也就是「你的节日过得如何」的意思,这是除了 "How was your vacation?" 以外,另一个意思类似的用法。

How did your holidays go? Was it fun?


◎ How did you spend your vacation? 你怎么过你的假期的?

前面提到 how 是用来表示「如何」,那你要问别人「如何过假期」的话,可以这样问:

A: How did you spend your vacation?(你怎么过你的假期的?)

B: I went to Yilan with my family, and we took a hot spring bath there. It was really relaxing!(我跟我家人去宜兰,我们还在那里泡温泉。那真的超放松!)

◎ Did you go anywhere while on vacation? 你在假期期间有没有去哪里玩呀?

例如:Hey Todd. Did you go anywhere while on vacation?


◎ Anything fun happen during your vacation? 假期期间有没有发生什么有趣的事情?

口语上可以接受这种结构不完整的句子,但是写作或是正式场合就要避免囉,这句的最完整讲法是:Did anything fun happen during your vacation?

A: Anything fun happen during your vacation?(假期期间有没有发生什么有趣的事情?)

B: Nah. I stayed home and watched a TV series all day long.(没。我整天都待在家看影集。)


● 英文话题这样答

◎ It was awesome! I went to…超赞的!我去了...

如果你的假期过得很棒的话,你可以用其他形容词来代替 awesome,例如:great, amazing, fantastic, terrific 等等。或是直接说 It couldn’t be better!(超棒的!),例如:

A: How were your holidays?(你的节日过得怎么样?)

B: It couldn’t be better! I went to a lot of exhibitions and movies. And I finally got time to go hiking in the mountains. I feel really energized ing back to work.(超棒的!我去看了很多展览跟电影。而且我终于有机会可以去山间健行。我回来工作时真的有感到充饱电。)

◎ That was a total disaster. We…那完全是场灾难。我们...

A: You said you were going back to your hometown for a family reunion dinner. How did it go?(你说你要回你家乡去吃团圆饭。结果怎么样了?)

B: Fet about it. That was a total disaster. We were stuck in a traffic jam for five hours, and our car broke down before we got there. The worst part is that after we arrived, my daughter wasn’t feeling well because of the food she ate. So basically we didn’t have any fun during the vacation.(别提了。那完全是场大灾难。我们塞车塞了五个小时,而且我们的车在我们抵达目的地之前还抛锚。最糟糕的是在我们抵达之后,我的女儿因为她吃的食物而感到不舒服。所以说我们假期基本上过得不太开心。)

◎ You have no idea how crazy it was! 你都不知道那多疯狂!


A: How was the New Year’s party?(新年派对怎么样?)

B: You have no idea how crazy it was! We partied until 3 or 4 a.m. and went to see the sunrise. After that, we went to a karaoke bar until evening. We were awake for more than 24 hours. It was so fun!(你都不知道那有多疯狂!我们派对开到凌晨三点还是四点,然后还去看日出。在那之后,我们去唱卡拉 OK 唱到傍晚。我们醒著超过 24 小时。超好玩的!)


◎ Amazing! Remember I told you I was gonna…? It turned out...超棒的!记不记得我跟你说我要...?结果...

这种同样也是口语上轻松但不完整的说法喔,完整要说:It was amazing! Do you remember I told you…? 那前面的 amazing 同样可以用 great, amazing, fantastic, terrific...等形容词替换。例如:

Terrific! Remember I told you I was gonna go mountain climbing with my hu ... and’s family? I thought it would be boring, but it turned out to be really fun. I enjoyed the peace and quiet in nature, and I think I’ll try again if I have time.



(本文刊载于希平方-线上学英文〈【连假英文】这 9 句英文让同事朋友超羨慕你的假期〉,未经授权,不得转载。)