英语常用口语每天学 第75期:不是每个人都是骗子



Joe: How much did you bid?,Mary: Eighty-five dollars. If my bid is the highest after three more days, I win! It's fun!,Joe: We'll see how much fun it is after they take all your money!!,Mary: But they won't! I checked the seller's history, and he got good reviews from other buyers.,Joe: What if he had his friends fake the reviews?,Mary: You are so paranoid! Not everybody is a crook, you know.,来源:恒星英语学习网-口语频道, bid (v.) 出价, review (n.) 评价, fake (v.) 捏造,伪造, paranoid (a.) 偏执的,疑神疑鬼的, crook (n.) 骗子
