


福地洞天  fú dì dòng tiān








  • 大自然的万色千般皆为使我们念想出其中的福地洞天。 “All nature is meant to make us think of paradise, ” Thomas Merton observed.

  • 屏巖洞府素有“江南第一洞天”之称,为道家修行之福地。 The Rocky Grotto enjoys a fame of the “No. 1 Fairyland in South China”, which is a blessed paradise for Taoists.

  • 她也是我国著名的道教圣地,并被称为第七洞天、三十四福地。 She is also the famous Taoists Holly Place in our country, enjoying the fame of the Seventh Sky and 34th Treasured Land.

  • 白石山是我国古代“三十六洞天福地”之一,被认为是神仙的居所。 Baishishan is China’s ancient “36 Dongtianfudi” one of the homes are considered to be a god.

  • 正中石碣上刻着「花果山福地,水帘洞洞天」几大字,真是个好安身处。 On a stone pillar in the middle of the cave there was an inscription: “This Cave of the Water Curtain leads to heaven. “”

  • 他得等著瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。 He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm.

  • 终极追求与理想环境:道教“洞天福地”与基督宗教“新天新地”之比较。 Ultimate Concern and Ideal Surroundings: Comparison Between Taoist “Abode of the Immortals” and Christian “New Heaven and New Earth”

  • 其兴起与勃兴肇基于以老庄哲学为主体的道教哲学思想和以名山皆仙境的洞天福地思想。 This kind of poem originated and developed on the basis of philosophic thoughts of Taoi ... , mainly the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and the thought of cave paradise.

  • 请看这是洞天福地的清泉,我们称为“通天泉”。它一年四季川流不息,象征著朋友们的友谊源远流长。 Here is a clear spring of the cave, called “Tongtian Spring”. It runs all year round, a symbol of our long-lasting friendship.

  • 度假区功能齐全,有完善的商务系统和度假设施。在洞天福地的笔架山中度假,无疑是人生的一大享受! Resort functional and a plete business system and resort facilities. Dongtianfudi in the Beacon Hill in the holiday, it is undoubtedly a great enjoyment in life!

  • 旁边还有宋、明、清的摩崖题刻“天关”、“石门”、“方广洞天”、“闽山福地”等,行笔苍劲雄浑。 There are next to the Song, Ming and Qing Cliff that carved the “day customs, ” “Shihmen, ” “side-Dongtian, ” “Fujian-blessed land”, to T Cangjin powerful.

  • 山岳崇拜不仅使山林资源得到了较好的保护,而且对道教影响深刻,为道教“洞天福地”体系的创立提供了参照。 It not only made forest resources get better protection, but also had a profound influence on Taoi ... and offered a reference for the creation of Taoi ... system of blessed-spot.

  • 罗浮山,素有“岭南第一山”、“第七洞天”、“第三十二福地”等诸多美誉,是驰誉国内外的道教、佛教圣地。 Luofu Moutain is well-known as the NO. 1 Mountain in South China, the seventh Taoist Place and the 32nd Taoist Land.

  • 原来水帘后面有一石室,各色石制锅灶、碗盆、床凳一应俱全,正中石碣上刻着“花果山福地,水帘洞洞天”几大字,真是个好安身处。 In the cave were stone pots, bowls, beds and benches. On a stone pillar in the middle of the cave there was an inscription:” This Cave of the Water Curtain leads to heaven.”

  • 福地洞天造句相关

