


时间:2020/07/24 03:50 | 分类:生活百态





WHO WILL BE NINGTHOU – story in English
Posted by admin on September 19, 2013Leave a ment (0)Go to ments
Long, long ago, in the land of Kangleipak in Manipur, there lived a Ningthou and a Leima. They were loved dearly by the people.
The Ningthou and Leima, on their part, never sped thinking about their meeyam their people. “Our meeyam should be happy,” they said.
The people were not the only ones who loved their Ningthou and Leima. The birds and animals too loved them. The Ningthou and Leima always said: “Everybody in Kangleipak should live in peace. Not only the people, but the birds, animals and trees.”
Their beloved king and queen had three sons: Sanajaoba, Sanayaima and Sanatomba. Twelve years later, a daughter was born. She was named Sanatombi. She was a lovely child, soft and beautiful inside. She was loved by one and all.
The years went by, and the children grew up well. And then one day, the Ningthou called all his ministers and said: “It is now time to decide the Tunggi Ningthou, the future king.”
The ministers were shocked. “But O Ningthou, what is there to decide? Sanajaoba, your eldest son, will be our future king.”
“Well,” the Ningthou replied. “That’s how it happened in the old days. The eldest son always became the king. But times have changed. So let us select a king who is most worthy of being a king.”
“We will have a contest to select the future king,” the Leima said, and so, in the land of Kangleipak, there was a contest, a horse race.
Whoever reached the khongnang, the banyan tree, first would be declared Tunggi Ningthou. But then, a strange thing happened. Sanajaoba, Sanayaima and Sanatomba all three of them finished the race together. They were expert riders and all three reached the finish line at the same time!
There was great excitement. “Look at them!” the people shouted, “Shagol thauba nupa, such fine horsemen!”
But one question remained; Who would be the Tunggi Ningthou?
The Ningthou and Leima turned to their sons. The Ningthou said, “Sanajaoba. Sanayaima and Sanatomba, you have proved that you are fine horsemen. Do something different each one of you, so that we can decide who will be Tunggi Ningthou.” Suddenly, Sanajaoba mounted his horse and held his spear straight in front of him. He looked around. There was a hush among people. “What is Sanajaoba, the eldest, going to do? They thought to themselves.
Sanajaoba then looked at the huge khongnang standing majestically in the distance. He pierced the tree and jumped his horse right through it!
“Bravo! Bravo!” The people shouted, “Thouro! Thouro! And then they fell silent.
Now it was the turn of the second son, Sanayaima. What would he do? Sanayaima too looked at the khongnang as he mounted his horse. Then he too rode towards the tree, harder and harder. The people watched in silence, afraid even to breathe. When he was really close, he urged his horse to jump. Higher and higher the horse rose until horse and rider jumped clear over the huge tree and landed on the other side in a wonderful motion.
The People breathed in relief and said in unison: Phajei! Phajei! Wonderful! Wonderful!
And now, it was the turn of the youngest son, Sanatomba. He, too, rode his horse towards the khongnang and, before anybody knew what was happening, uprooted it. Triumphantly he carried the tree to the Ningthou and Leima and laid it at their feet! Shouts of Thouro! Thouro! Phajei! Phajei!” filled the mountains.
The people grew restless. Why were the Ningthou and the Leima taking so long to make the announcement?
They craned their necks to see what was happening. The Ningthou and Leima were watching Sanatombi, their five year-old daughter. She looked sad and lonely. She stared at the khongnang which lay dead by the throne. Birds flapped worriedly around, searching for their homes in the tree. Sanatombi walked up to the khongnang and whispered, “The khongnang is dead. It was hurt by the spear and now it is dead.
The people were all attention. The Ningthou stood up. He looked at the three boys. He looked at the little girl. He turned to the people. “If anybody is worthy of being the ruler,” he said, “it is little Sanatombi. It was she who told us to look at the soul of the khongnang. Sanatombi feels the pain of others. She feels the pain of the people, the animals, the birds, the trees.”
“I declare Sanatombi the future Leima of Kangleipak,” the Ningthou said. A silence fell. Everyone turned to look at the little girl, their future queen. There she stood, all of five, like a ... all khongnang, with birds flying all around her. They sat on her shoulders and on her head. She held out her hands full of grain and the birds flapped about her, pecking at the food.
“A Leima is one who doesn’t hurt anybody in the kingdom.”
Fun stories, General stories, Story for children


你好,一二季的Lily是由一对双胞胎饰演的,名字是贾登(Jaden)和艾拉·希勒尔(Ella Hiller),有时是男宝宝,有时是女宝宝出镜的。现在的是由奥布·里安德森-埃蒙斯(Aubrey Anderson-Emmons)饰演的。


家庭里的美丽故事 作文

自从结婚,我就很少回去给父亲过生日了。今年,我下定决心,无论多忙一定要给父亲回去过生日。我把父亲的生日在日历上画住,以提醒自己。结果生日那天,我还是给忘了。痛恨自己之余,拿起 ... 给父亲打过去,父亲却笑哈哈地告诉我:妈妈和他自己也都忘了。听了父亲这个善意的慌言,我的眼泪却止不住地流下来。
助理的母亲去逝了,他痛心地和我说:“母亲养育我这么大,却从不舍得,也没花过自己一分钱。”此刻母亲病了,我却只能在遥远的他乡给她打个 ... 。
小时候家中的衣服,大姐穿完,轮二姐穿,二姐穿完,才轮我穿。 大姐上初三那年,母亲托人从外地买了一件桔黄色带拉链的上衣。我心中默默地渴望地着。春节回家,姐妹相聚,再叙儿时岁月,我讲起自己小时的小秘密。一家人感慨良久。 上周生日那天,我收到了姐姐和二姐同时寄来的生日礼物:一双精致的皮鞋和一身漂亮的衣服。
丈夫晚上看电视时,被蚊子叮了。他一边抓,一边 ... 蚊子。 我安慰他说:“别生气了,你为咱们家了流了血,做出了巨大的牺牲。”丈夫不解地问:“什么意思?”我说:“吃饱了的蚊子绝对今天晚上不袭击我和儿子了。”丈夫:。。。。。。。
弟弟徐冠生今年读四年级。小冠生出生两个月后突然感冒,连续高烧, ... 、吃药都不见效,到医院一检查才得知是先天性心脏病。因添了男丁而喜庆的徐家,一下子从云端跌入了低谷。梦想着有朝一日成为大学生的徐雪也没想到,正是弟弟的病迫使她过早放弃学业。
徐雪因年纪小,只能到广州一个亲戚家开的服装店帮忙。 徐雪每月能挣300元钱,为给家里寄钱,她省吃俭用,除了买生活必用品,余钱她每个月都准时寄回家,给弟弟治病用。懂事的她开始理解父母的苦衷,常写信回来安慰父母亲不要为她担心,要照顾好弟弟。她对弟弟关怀备至,写信鼓励弟弟要坚强面对病魔,好好读书。她对弟弟说:“只要姐姐在,姐姐就会给你挣钱治病。”
有一次放学,老师把徐冠生留下来,小运龙不见哥哥在教室,以为爸爸把哥哥接走了,便独自回家。当小冠生走完这艰难的长路回到家,看到弟弟便不问青红皂白把弟弟责 ... 了一通。面对疲惫不堪的哥哥,小运龙只能愧疚不语,他理解哥哥的心情,也知道哥哥很辛苦。但这个小男孩毕竟只是一个12岁的小孩子,他也有着未泯灭的爱玩的天性。他曾给她姐姐徐雪写了一封信,信上说:“姐姐,有时候放学了,我看到别的同学一起玩得很开心,我也想一个人跑去跟他们玩








