


时间:2018/07/26 10:04 | 分类:词语大全


He proposed a bigger security council
他提議成立一個更大的聯合國安全理事會 United nations security council resolution 425
聯合國安全理事會第425號決議 A late night statement calls for immediate security council action
稍后的一份晚間聲明要求聯合國安全理事會立即做出應對措施。 Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
你認為日本應該成為一個聯合國安全理事會的長備成員嗎 Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
您認為日本應該變成聯合國安全理事會的一名永久成員嗎 Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
您認為日本應該成為聯合國安全理事會的一名永久成員嗎 Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
你認為日本應該成為聯合國安全理事會的一個長備的成員嗎 Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
你認為日本應該成為一名聯合國安全理事會的永久性成員嗎? Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
翻譯:您是否認為日本應該成為聯合國安全理事會的一名永久成員? [ size = 5 ] [ color = blue ] do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
Do you think japan should bee a permanent member of the united nations security council
上面這句話的意思是:你認為日本應該成為一名聯合國安全理事會的永久性成員嗎? Submittee to examine the implementation in hong kong of resolutions of the united nations security council in relation to sanctions
研究在香港實施聯合國安全理事會就制裁事宜所作決議的小組委員會 The panel has also put forward remendations for reforming the security council , so that it better represents today s world
高層會談已經提出改革聯合國安全理事會諸多建議,從而使安理會更好的代表當今世界。 We were extremely gratified to have been elected , with the support of china , to membership of the united nations security council for the term 2001 - 2002
在中國的支持下,我們對能夠當選擔任2001年到2002年聯合國安全理事會成員國感到非常的滿意。 As permanent members of the un security council , both britain and china base our foreign po pcy on the maintenance of a strong and effective international system
作為聯合國安全理事會常務成員國,英中兩國的外交政策以保持強有效國際機制為基礎。 The naivasha accords , now endorsed by the un security council , are a good and wele basis for building peace in the conf pct beeen north and south
聯合國安全理事會正在簽署《 naivasha協定》 ,這是對南北沖突建立和平的一個好的受歡迎的基本原則。 Pollack , denied the plot was a symbol for the u . s . attack against iraq after france and other u . n . security council members refused to support the invasion
波拉克否認劇中的陰謀象征著法國和其他聯合國安全理事會成員拒絕支持入侵伊拉克后,美國襲擊伊拉克的行動。 America counts on the coast guard to enforce maritime law , to secure our waterways and ports , to rescue those in distress , and to intercept illegal drugs
我們創立了聯合國安全理事會,以區別于國際聯盟,使我們的商議不僅停留在口頭上,使我們的決議不僅只是愿望。 A ministerial - level meeting of the five permanent u . n . security council member countries plus germany on friday is expected to focus on a new sanctions resolution against iran
周五,聯合國安全理事會五個永久成員國將舉行部級會議,議題主要為對伊朗的新制裁方案。 A ministerial - level meeting of the five permanent u . n . security council member countries plus germany on friday is expected to focus on a new sanctions resolution against iran
The un security council has adopted a resolution to estab psh an international tribunal to try suspects in the murder of former lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri
聯合國安全理事會通過了一個決議草案,將建立一個國際法庭來審判謀殺黎巴嫩前總理拉菲克?哈里里的嫌疑犯 The united nations security council adopts un security council resolution 721 , leading the way to the estab pshment of peacekeeping operations in yugoslavia
1991年,聯合國安全理事會(安理會)接受了聯合國安理會第721號決議,在南斯拉夫領導和開展維持和平的軍事行動。 It is cooperating closely with u . s . law enforcement counterparts and is also moving to implement various un security council resolutions in support of the war on terrori ...
香港已與美國的執法機關緊密合作,并且正實施多項聯合國安全理事會的決議,支持打擊恐怖主義的戰爭。 The po ptics of the fiba central board are very different from the po ptics of the united nations security council , which is why russia was excluded from the world championship as well as south korea
Fiba理事會的政策和聯合國安全理事會的政策有很大的不同,這就是俄羅斯和韓國被拒絕參加世界錦標賽的原因。 Prior to taking up the position of director - general at the department of asian affairs , mr cui was director - general of the department of po pcy planning and the alternative representative for china on the united nations security council
當亞洲司司長之前,崔先生曾任政策部司長,并且是聯合國安全理事會的中國第二代表人。 Prior to taking up the position of director - general at the department of asian affairs , mr cui was director - general of the department of po pcy planning and the alternative representative for china on the united nations security council
當亞洲司司長之前,崔先生曾任政策部司長,并且是聯合國安全理事會的中國第二代表人。 The us had wanted to agree a set of prospective measures by the end of this month , which could be quickly taken to the united nations security council if iran failed to ply with un demands to rein in its nuclear programme
美國已計劃在月底前制定一系列預期措施,如果伊朗拒絕配合聯合國的要求停止核計劃項目,這些措施將很快被提交給聯合國安全理事會 For russia , as for another permanent member of the un security council , china , there is another worry : that , in its fury , america acts unilaterally with pttle regard for other countries ' views
對俄羅斯,和另一個作為聯合國安全理事會的永久成員國? ?中國,這里又有另外一方面的當心;這就是美國的狂暴性,它的狂暴表現在單方面的采取行動根本沒有考慮到其他國家的意見。 I am confident that china , as a permanent member of the un security council with a strong interest in peace and development , will continue to play a leading and positive role in addressing the new and plex challenges that face the un
我很自信的認為,中國作為聯合國安全理事會的常任理事國,出于其對于和平和發展的大力支持,將繼續在聯合國面臨新的復雜的挑戰時發揮領導性的積極的作用。 Gulf war : the united nations security council passes un security council resolution 678 , authorizing mi ptary intervention in iraq if that nation did not withdraw its forces from kuwait and free all foreign hostages by january 15 , 1991