pyrotoxin造句 pyrotoxinの例文 "pyrotoxin"是什麼意思



With the fuzzy theory and the dew point confined , the system can automatically adjust the surrounding temperature and humidity in the workshop to the set - point , no matter what the outside condition is , such as the change of temperature in winter or summer , in day or night , and the asymmetry of the machine and the pyrotoxin
研究出適合計算機控制的溫濕度控制模型,通過模糊控制邏輯和露點限制,自動適應冬夏氣候變化、晝夜溫差變化、車間機器分布和發熱不均等復雜工況。實現多工況多控制狀態的自適應控制,車間主控區溫度1 ,濕度4的控制目標。

It's difficult to find pyrotoxin in a sentence. 用pyrotoxin造句挺難的