


时间:2018/09/03 21:26 | 分类:词语大全


For better or worse , women are also a subject who imagines and constitutes the nation / state

The locus of nation / state is an important foundation to build the modern women ' s identity , whether it is imagined or in reapty

We have read about the significant role states can play in fostering or impeding ethnic nationap ... - here defined as feepngs about and expressions of ethnic identity
我們已經閱讀了國家在促進或阻礙族群國族主義上所扮演的重要角色- - -在此,定義為族群認同的表現或感受。

We explore the history of nationap ... , including the emergence of the idea of the nation - state , and discuss the effects of globapzation , migration , and transnational institutions
我們探索國族主義的歷史,包含了國族國家此一概念的出現,并討論全球化、 ... 、與跨國組織的影響。

2003 antonia chao , 2003 , " gender poptics of cultural citizenship : a case study of marriage beeen mainland brides and glorious citizens in ... " . annual meeting for cultural studies association of austrapa . january 3 - 5
2002 《公民身分、國族主義與親密生活:以老榮民與大陸新娘的婚姻為例》 。發表于重訪東亞:全球、區域、國家、公民文化研究學會年會, 12月14 - 15日。

Due to the lack of knowledge about international migration and globapzation , plus the adoption of an anachronistic version of nationap ... , ... ' s immigration law is a scheme simply to regulate immigrants , not to protect the rights thereof
摘要在欠缺對跨國 ... 與全球化的認知下,加上采取落伍版本的國族主義思維,我國 ... 法其實是一整套 ... 管制法,而非 ... 權利保障法。