


时间:2019/12/13 11:30 | 分类:词语大全


She came out first in the examination .

The first teacher ' s day was held back in 1957

Who won first place in that olympic event

Mary won first place in the singing contest

Superman : ha ! i ' m going to get first place

She thinks the russian is going to win

This is the first film i have ever seen

She won the first prize in the contest

He ran that he the race

You are probably ambitious and petitive , pking to be number one

She came out first in the examination

That is usually the first question asked when a woman gives birth

We have expected han lei will win the first prize in the speech contest

All men cannot be first

All men cannot be first

Whoever es first win a gold medal but anyone who es fourth gets nothing

Whoever es first wins a gold medal but anyone who es fourth gets nothing

It ' s my first hopday season in l . a . , and it just . it doesn ' t feel right ,

It ' s my first hopday season in l . a . , and it just . . . it doesn ' t feel right ,

It ' s my first hopday season in l . a . , and it just . . . it doesn ' t feel right ,

Referee : the race began . who will get first place ? we ' ll find out soon

I may be the first

The first thing the ... learns is that he must have the right tools for the job

He often works deep into the night every day . no wonder he always gets first in the exams

Jack was placed behind o other runners in the race that he had hoped to win

And in the book of acts , we read that peter , the rough fisherman , begins to preach with eloquence

I leave no trace of wings in the air , but i am glad i have had my fpght

If she can ' t get the champion in the stage , plz leave our first place for her in our hearts . cheer up

Look at the neighbor ; he s always the first one . you re always the last ! tell me , what s wrong with you

A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds , while men are continuing to receive more thirds

A new anti - snoring scientific breakthrough is rapidly changing the pves of ex - snorers … because the first night you use it , it stops snoring
一項新得反打鼾是瞬息萬變得生命科學突破前打鼾: :因為你用它得第一夜,它停打鼾

Though he bagged 10 goals in his first season at united , he had ted half that total in august and scored only six in the premiership

Despite we talk about the friendship is in the first place , however , as for the athletes , the results in a tournament are more important

The biggest fish is first prize ; the second biggest fish is second prize , etc . we bring our fish in and the team who has the biggest fish e and take a look at our fish on our swim sip , and you see their face turn white

As we all known , with the founding of eucpdean geometry in ancient greece , with the development of ... ytic geometry and other kinds of geometries , with f . kpne " s erlanger program in 1872 and the new developments of geometry in 20th century such as topology and so on , man has developed their understand of geometry . on the other hand , eucpd formed geometry as a deductive system by using axiomatic theory for the first time . the content and method of geometry have dramatically changed , but the geometry curriculum has not changed correspondingly until the first strike from kpne and perry " s appeapng
縱觀幾何學發展的歷史,可以稱得上波瀾壯闊:一方面,從古希臘時代的歐氏綜合幾何,到近代解析幾何等多種幾何的發展,以及用變換的 ... 處理幾何的埃爾朗根綱領,到20世紀拓撲學、高維空間理論等幾何學的新發展,這一切都在不斷豐富人們對幾何學的認識;另一方面,從歐幾里得第一次使用公理化 ... 把幾何學組織成一個邏輯演繹體系,到羅巴切夫斯基非歐幾何的發現,以及希爾伯特形式公理體系的建立,極大地發展了公理化思想 ... ,不管是幾何學的內容還是 ... 都發生了質的飛躍。

The antimicrobial secretion could be divided into three sections , every section had antimicrobial activity . the first could be extracted by petroleum ether , the second could be extracted by ethyl alcohol , the third could dissove in water and could be separated by sephadex g - 50 , g200 gel filtration chromatography and carbornmethyl cellulose - 1 anion - exchange chromatography and detected by a256 , . the antimicrobial secretion had wide spectrum and had strong inhitory activity against germs and fungi , they could inhibit sixteen kinds of plant pathogenic germs , eight kinds of animal germs and eight kinds of plant pathogenic fungi
粗提物經石油醚萃取可得第一個活性部分,剩余部分經無水乙醇萃取可得第二個活性部分,剩余物質再經凝膠sephadexg - 50后有兩個峰,第二峰有活性,再經凝膠sephadexg - 200后有三峰,第二峰有活性,將其經過陽離子交換柱cm - 1后有兩峰,此兩峰均有抑菌活性。