present value approach中文翻譯


present value approach中文翻譯

时间:2019/07/26 00:05 | 分类:词语大全


Certain decision approaches consist present value approach , internal rate of return approach and payback period approach
確定性決策 ... 包括凈現值法、內部收益率法和投資回收期法。

We value a venture capital project by present value approach and real option approach , and find that the value of pound growth option is maximal
我們采用傳統凈現值法和實物期權 ... 對某一風險投資項目價值進行計算,并摘要. .

Under the presumption that technology is a kind of production factor , the present value approach and the game theory are appped to ... yze the market of technology systematically , and the equipbrium condition of this market is discussed on the basis of some basic laws of economics