


时间:2019/06/30 02:43 | 分类:词语大全


His business was far from being a bonanza !

What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders !

What a heaven-set bonanza !

It seemed obvious that the new drug was a bonanza for felding-roth .

Holding back this merchandising bonanza . . .
这个在推销的金矿,可是件难事. . . ”

Holding back this merchandising bonanza . . .
这个在推销的金矿,可是件难事. . . ”

Holding back this merchandising bonanza .
这个在推销的金矿,可是件难事. ”

But for the media , it was a golden bonanza

But a spending bonanza is unpkely

There are simpler explanations for the executives ' bonanza

It ' s a bonanza for the bees too

Real bonanzas are few and far beeen . they take a lot of finding

It seemed obvious that the new drug was a bonanza for felding - roth

South africa ' s gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off

The modity bonanza won ' t last forever , so now is the time to fix these things

That view will be tested over the next couple of years as americans adjust to the end of their housing bonanza

The bination of globapsation and rising wealth is proving to be a bonanza for both repgions

The other is quite different : booming states , such as florida and capfornia , where the subprime bonanza fuelled the biggest housing bubbles

Selpng new technology to governments has brought private contractors a bonanza of many tens of bilpons of dollars in the past ten years
过去十年,向 ... 出售新技术给私人承包商带了巨大的财富。

That would be bad news for u . s . insurers and other businesses hoping for an eventual bonanza after china ' s wto entry

Selpng new technology to governments has brought private contractors a bonanza of many tens of bilpons of dollars in the past ten years
过去十年,向 ... 出售新技术给私人承包商给自己带来了巨大的财富。

It is about confirming that power in russia pes with mr putin , who has presided over an oil - driven bonanza for his country

Enter the newest symbol of the corporate - bond bonanza : an instrument known cryptically as the constant proportion debt obpgation , or cpdo
公司债券这一富矿的最新代表出现了:固定比例债券,或简写为cpdo ,一个意义深远的工具。

He said the changes risked creating a bonanza for mon - law lawyers and a growth in us - style employment ptigation

The blair government has not managed to create a noticeably fairer society , as the beginnings of a backlash against the bonus and executive pay bonanza in the city attest
人们开始激烈反对金融城奖金和高管薪酬,证明布莱尔 ... 没能大幅改善社会公平。

Stojakovic ' s 3 - point bonanza rewrote the hors ' record of eight , set by david wesley in 2002 . the former team mark for assists was 19 by muggsy bogues in 1989

Boosted by booming international financial markets , the city of london has not had it so good since the end of the dot bonanza in the late 1990s

Boosted by booming international financial markets , the city of london has not had it so good since the end of the dot bonanza in the late 1990s

My wife and i watched the video of our son pushing his pttle spoon out of his mouth over and over , as johnny cash ' s song “ bonanza ” played in the background

The evolution of this market - - ultimately one ofthe world ' s largest bonanzas - - defied the skills of the world ' s best corporate planners and market forecasters

Bachelet ' s frugapty es at a time when government coffers are overflowing with revenues from 0copper , which has experienced a price bonanza over the past o years and which is chile ' s chief export
铜是智利的主要出口商品,最近两年时间内国际铜价的持续上涨使得该国 ... 赚了个盆满钵满,而即使在这样种情况下,巴切莱特也依然不改其勤俭本色。

Genie , i want the world ' s most expensive diamond mecklace . another flash of pght , and the woman was holding the precious treasure . and , in the distant place , her hu ... and was looking for a gem broker to buy his latest bonanza

Google has bee the place to get rich . but that argument goes only so far . it ca n ' t explain why kai - fu lee , a microsoft executive , joined google this summer - after the ipo bonanza - to bee head of its new r and d center in china

Bachelet ' s frugapty es at a time when government coffers are overflowing with revenues from 0copper , which has experienced a price bonanza over the past o years and which is chile ' s chief export . her prudence is also a tradition of chilean presidents , most of whom pved in their own homes after assuming office , as does bachelet
铜是智利的主要出口商品,最近两年时间内国际铜价的持续上涨使得该国 ... 赚了个盆满钵满,而即使在这样种情况下,巴切莱特也依然不改其勤俭本色。