


时间:2020/09/14 22:10 | 分类:问答库



施里芬计划为之一次世界大战时德国参谋总部制定的一套作战 ... 。其主要目标为应付来自德国东西两面的两个敌盟国—俄国与法国的夹攻。此作战计划的利用了两国总动员速度之差异:由于俄国彊域辽阔,士兵众多,且铁路系统极不完善,故其总动员之速度大约需时一个月;而法国则只须一个星期左右则可完成总动员令。故此德国希望在日后战争爆发后先以精兵在西线强攻法国,在攻克法国后才将军队调至东线以应付俄国之进犯。 在一次大战发生后,德国总帅小毛奇便立即施行施里芬计划。当德国之精锐部队开始进攻法国时,其参谋部却开始发现此计划有一弊病—完全忽视英国的存在。由于1907年的三国协约早已签订,故英国便履行承诺,尽派精兵以协助法国。由于外力的帮助,法国未被迅速击溃,而此时俄国之总动员令亦已完成,故施里芬计划完全失败。 三国协约(英语:Triple Entente)是英、法和俄三国在1907年签订的互相谅解和互相支持的协议。「Entente」是法语词汇,意指谅解。 1904年的挚诚协定及1907年的英俄条约签订后,英法、英俄的各种 ... 已经平息。这两个协约,加上法俄同盟便促使三国家走在一起。此外,他们皆因为德国在欧洲的影响力不断上升而警醒。因此,他们便结盟,名为「三国协约」。
参考: zh. ... /w/index?title=%E6%96%BD%E9%87%8C%E8%8A%AC%E8%AE%A1%E5%88%92&variant=zh-
英国支持比利时的原因很明显。因为比利时位处德军通向法国的必经之路,英国若不想被孤立于欧陆之外,她就要保证法国的安全。如果能保持比利时不被德国的攻击,那么法国和英国本身就安全了。 另外,比利时及荷兰位处英国对岸,英国从那里打击德国亦比较容易。但更重要的是比利时和荷兰有德国求之不得的出大西洋的港口,如安特卫普、海牙及阿姆斯特丹等,所以英国无论如何都要保护比利时的安全。
The Schlieffen Plan was the German General Staff's overall strategic plan for victory on the Western Front against France
and was executed to near victory in the first month of World War I; however
a French counterattack on the outskirts of Paris
the Battle of the Marne
ended the German offensive and guaranteed years of trench warfare. The controversial Plan has been fodder for histori and military scholars and ... ysts ever since. Overview The Schlieffen Plan takes its name from its author's
Alfred Graf von Schlieffen. It envisioned a rapid German mobilization
disregard of Luxembourg and Belgian neutrality
and the overwhelming sweep of the powerful German right wing through Belgium and Northern France in a southwesterly direction
"letting the last man on the right brush the Channel with his sleeve
" [1] in the words of Schlieffen
while maintaining only a defensive posture on the central and left wings
in Lorraine
the Vosges
and the Moselle. The raison d'etre of the plan was to win a o-front war quickly by first triumphing in the West before the "Russian Steamroller" would be able to mobilize and descend upon East Prussia—the Plan scheduled 39 days for the fall of Paris [2]. The plan was made after the Entente Cordiale of 1904 was signed beeen Britain and France. Kaiser Wilhelm II asked Alfred Graf von Schlieffen to devise a plan which would allow Germany to fight a war on o fronts and in December 1905 von Schlieffen began circulating it. Paris was not to be taken but to be passed by the right wing to the west of the city. The intent of the plan was not to conquer cities or industry in order to weaken the French war efforts
but to capture most of the French Army and to force France to surrender
in essence a repeat of the strategy used to defeat France during the Franco-Prussian War. A seed of disaster lurked in the conception of the plan: both Schlieffen and the man who would eventually implement his Plan
Helmuth von Moltke the Younger
were seduced by the possibility of the double envelopment of the entire French Army by the right wing ing from the north and west of France and the left wing ing from the east. The inspiration was the destruction of the Roman Army by Hannibal's forces at the Battle of Cannae in 216 BC. As noted supra
Russian mobilization would supposedly be extremely slow
due to their poor railway system. Following the speedy defeat of France
the German General Staff would switch German concentrations to the Eastern Front. The Plan called for sending 90% of the German troops to France and 10% to Russia. His goal was to defeat France in six weeks
the time it took for Russia to mobilize their army
and turn back to the Eastern Front before Russia could react. Kaiser Wilhelm II is quoted as having said "Paris for lunch
dinner at St. Peter ... urg."